(Image this week provided by Lexi, original source unknown...but doesn't it look like an advertisement?)
I thank you folks for bearing with me during my recent time away. Your challenge for this Friday, 9-30-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 150-354 words. I would also like you to please use this phrase in your submission:
Nobody's going to fuss if you blow the word count, or forget the required phrase (well, it's a word, this week), but you'll have to carry around the image of me shaking my head sadly in disappointment. (I'm booked up for spankings well into the next century, so I've had to stop giving those out as "punishment).
My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier -- tell all your friends. Enemies, too, if you like), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!
Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. Please do provide a link back to either the challenge post, to my main page at http://insatiabear.blogspot.com/, or to the FAQ. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.
Check back here on Friday for the list of participants as well as my own take, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way. Many thanks to Lexi for providing us with this week's photo (and also for stepping in once or twice while I was away).
-- PB
About that photo: I would love to live in that world! I like sex, I like watching people have sex, I like to have sex. :)
I'd forgotten that picture even existed. Great choice. And credit should go to Max and France as well, who also stepped in while PB was out; were it not for them, FFF probably would have had a hiatus.
Nice color choice on the blog. It is really easy on my eyes and I have bad eyes too so that’s a really big compliment lol
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