Friday, December 9, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 12-9-11: "Breakfast Surprise"

(Image source: "Sunny Sunday Morning" by T.C. Reiner)

She staggered out into the kitchen, drawn by the aroma of her Elixir of Life. Her head was still pounding after last night's pounding, but she'd have done it all again in a second.

And might still, she thought speculatively, watching his ass work as he moved about in front of the stove. He wore an apron and nothing else.

“Ah! You're awake,” he said calmly. “Breakfast first, then dessert.”

“Dessert?” she wondered as she poured, still half awake.

“Why, yes,” he said. “First we get our strength back...then I attack you again and have you for afters.”

She shivered deliciously, feeling the clockwork mechanism get started, the floodgates opening again. “Wonderful,” she smiled, and sipped from her cup.

And choked, convulsed, sprayed the mouthful all over the kitchen. He whirled around, spatula held high, shouting, “What? What is it???”

“Burned coffee,” she coughed.

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 60-160 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:

"...burned coffee..."

Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

I'm not quite sure where I got the key phrase; it just popped into my head. Likewise, my approach on this one. I'm a big fan of sex after breakfast (or sex before breakfast.....or sex in the middle of breakfast) so I guess this isn't a big surprise. I don't do much good in the kitchen but I do well with breakfast stuff, and I do like to feed my partner the morning after a long night of fun. And yes, I've done the "apron only" thing once or twice.

Still, I know a few people who can't get started without their morning coffee, and even a prelude of foreplay would go awry if the coffee was burned. Not having a taste for the stuff myself, I wouldn't know. I hope you enjoyed this one.

If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Please note that this will likely be the last FFF for the year. Starting early next week I will be traveling for the remainder of the year and my Internet access on private computers is going to be extremely spotty. You may see a post here and there, or I may leave comments once in a while, but don't count on it.

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year. I'll see you all in 2012.

-- PB

Monday, December 5, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 12-9-11

(Image source: "Sunny Sunday Morning" by T.C. Reiner)

Your challenge for this Friday, 12-9-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 60-160 words. I would also like you to please use this phrase in your submission:

"...burned coffee..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier -- tell all your friends. Enemies, too, if you like), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. Please do provide a link back to either the challenge post, to my main page at, or to the FAQ. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for the list of participants as well as my own take! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

NOTE to all FFF regulars: This may be the final FFF for this year. I will be traveling for personal reasons from the 13th until the end of the year and so may not have access to a private PC, depending. I should know more by this Friday.

 -- PB

Monday, November 21, 2011

No FFF this week; enjoy your Thanksgiving

There will be no FFF this week. Enjoy your time off with your family and the ones you love. And if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, well, then just enjoy your Friday off.

-- PB

Friday, November 18, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 11-18-11: "Over Too Soon"

(Source image: "Monday" by Darren Hopes)

“It isn't fair, is it, Basil?” she mused aloud. “The weekends are just too damn short. Monday always comes too soon.” She grimaced. “If only some of my clients would too. Then I wouldn't be so sore, even after a weekend off.”

She sighed, and stubbed her cigarette out on the front stoop. “Ah well. No use moping; I'd better get back to work.” She stood and stretched, resigned to another week of empty embraces and unforgiving beds, of panted promises and protestations of love that never amounted to anything.

She drew back her shoulders so her breasts stood up nicely, and flashed a smile at the gentleman walking down the street. “Good morning, fine sir. Fancy a bit of a frolic?”

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 86-136 words. Additionally, I provided a key word I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:


Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track: 

There was something a bit sad and lost about the woman in this artwork. I wanted to capture some of that in this little tale but when I started writing it went somewhere a bit different. She seems more fatalistic than sad, more resigned to her job than trapped by it. I suppose there could be worse ways to be making a living.

I'm not sure where I got the name "Basil" from. The cat just looks like a Basil to me.

If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. 

-- PB

Monday, November 14, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 11-18-11

(Source image: "Monday" by Darren Hopes)

Your challenge for this Friday, 11-18-11, is to use the artwork above to write a flash fiction of 86-136 words. I would also like you to please use this word in your submission:


As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier -- tell all your friends. Enemies, too, if you like), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. Please do provide a link back to either the challenge post, to my main page at, or to the FAQ. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for the list of participants as well as my own take, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No FFF this week

No FFF this week. Family emergency (but, thankfully, not another car wreck).

-- PB

Friday, November 4, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 11-4-11: "On Sale Now"

(Image source unknown but was titled "Entertainment Center")

“Thirty thousand? You gotta be fucking kidding me,” Howard laughed.

“I assure you, sir, it's worth every penny,” the salesman rejoined. “It has everything you need for a solitary evening of Monday Night Football.”

“ is very well constructed,” Howard mused. “So lifelike...hey!” He jumped back as if his fingers had been burned. “It's warm to the touch!”

“Of course, sir!” the salesman said eagerly. “We strive for realism in our models.”

He shot Howard a knowing glance. “Would you care to try it out?”

Howard licked his lips, feeling his cock start to throb. “I, you have a private room?”

The salesman smirked. “No need, sir. We've seen it all before.”

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 75-125 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:

" lifelike..."

Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

I really really didn't like this picture, so I compromised by turning it into a display at a big-box store and making the guy who was buying it into a loser who can't get a girl of his own and has to pay thirty thousand for his "entertainment center". And then took it even more over the top by suggesting that there are so many of these sold that the customers "trying them out" in public was so common that the salesmen had become inured to it. The ridiculous approach was the only one I could come up with to make it palatable for me. I hate nude photos or porn that objectifies women.

Sadly, I think the fact is that something like this would be a big success. What a world we live in....

If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. 

-- PB

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 11-4-11

(Image source unknown but was titled "Entertainment Center")

Trying something a bit different this week. For the first time I'm posting a picture that I find personally objectionable. Your challenge for this Friday, 11-4-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 75-125 words. I would also like you to please use this phrase in your submission:

" lifelike..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier -- tell all your friends. Enemies, too, if you like), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. Please do provide a link back to either the challenge post, to my main page at, or to the FAQ. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for the list of participants as well as my own take, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB

Friday, October 28, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 10-28-11: "Sex on Dark Wings"

(Source image: "Battire" by Gernot)

The night air was heavy with promise. I breathed hard as I stroked, loving the exposure, feeling the explosion build.

Then, behind me, the tenebrous whir of leathery wings. I turned; she alighted. Skin pale as the moon, round heavy breasts, tresses of ebony, lips red as blood...delicate black wings.

“So glad I chose this rooftop to begin my hunt this evening,” she murmured. And began walking toward me, her gaze devouring my every inch.

“Uh.” Play the host, that's what you do for unexpected guests. “Uh, can I, would you like a drink? Some wine?”

“Oh no,” she purred, still moving in that slow stalk, eyeing my hardness deliberately. “I do not”

Your challenge for today, this near-Halloween day, was to use the slightly spooky picture above and write a flash fiction of 80-120 words. Additionally, I wanted you to use this H.P. Lovecraft word in your fic:


Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

Truthfully, from the instant I chose this photo there was really no question about what direction I was going with it. The idea of the temptress, the succubus, the sexy female vampire -- all of these get plenty of play in many an erotic fantasy, and I'm no different. Maybe I wouldn't react so calmly if I was caught on a rooftop with my cock in my hand by a bat-winged temptress who obviously wanted fresh meat, but not blood, but hell, who knows?

And yes, I know her lips are black and not red. Sue me. :) 

Happy Halloween! If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. 

-- PB

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Answer to a recent question from Formspring

Somebody recently asked me a question via the Formspring box in the upper right-hand corner of this page. They wanted to know:

I hope your wounds are healing okay an the pain isn't so great anymore. If that's the case, have you/do you fantasises about receiving sex as ‘treatment’ while sick/partially immobilised thus at your carer's mercy and so on?

Yes, actually I'm doing quite well. I get the cast on my wrist off next Tuesday and that will be the last physical evidence of the accident. There is still some neck pain and some back pain but I'm coping with those fairly well with the odd dose of Aleve.

To answer the question, of course I fantasize about sex with a naughty nurse. I don't think any guy doesn't have that fantasy. Who wouldn't get off on the idea of a young lady in a skimpy outfit ministering to him? Running her hands down my body, awaking my slumbering cock, stroking it, maybe sliding it between her breasts, maybe licking it like a lollipop, maybe just stroking me steadily till I fountained all over her hand. Or maybe she would get me nice and hard and then decide she needed to take my temperature....with her mouth. Or perhaps she would decide I was already too hot and bothered and needed to be cooled off, by sinking her wet pussy down along my cock till I was buried inside her. Mmmmm.

Truthfully, I'm almost back to normal now, physically at least. As soon as I get the cast off, my left hand will be free again. But my right hand works just fine, and I think I'm going to give it a little workout right now. I'm sure you can imagine how. :)

-- PB

Monday, October 24, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 10-28-11

(Source image: "Battire" by Gernot)

Happy Halloween! Your challenge for this Friday, 10-28-11, is to use the picture above to write a spooky flash fiction of 80-120 words. I would also like you to please use this H.P. Lovecraft word in your submission:


As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier -- tell all your friends. Enemies, too, if you like), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. Please do provide a link back to either the challenge post, to my main page at, or to the FAQ. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for the list of participants as well as my own take, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB

Friday, October 21, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 10-21-11: "Aural Sex"

(Source image: unknown title by Beau Monde; website link broken)

“Just listen,” he said. “I think it's the best I've done yet.”

She put the headphones on, and...

...was lost, utterly, swept away and undone. Bass throbbed in her bones. Panoramic strings of notes curled around, holding her close. Point-counterpoint bore her along, synth waves buoying her up, steadying. Images flared in her brain, slow-sweet moans, lisping sounds of bodies locked together, slippery with sweat, fumbling towards ecstasy, cramped with desire, rigid in pained delight.

“Well?” he asked.

She couldn't speak. She just nodded.

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 38-98 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:

"...pained delight..."

Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

No, I don't have any idea where the key words for this week's challenge came from. They just jumped into my head unbidden and refused to leave till I put them down as part of the challenge. I hope they weren't too much of a burden for the rest of you.

I've been musing over the idea of music as a sexual experience. There have been times when the song I was listening to was so transcendent, the notes so just right, the environment so enveloping, the power and wonder of it all so extreme that it was almost a religious thing. Quite a trick, for an atheist. And it occurred to me that with very little alteration, what is religion to some could be sexual for others. Music gets a lot of people horny, but what would music sound like if it was the very representation of the sexual experience? I tried to capture some of that in this very short piece, and think I succeeded. Opinions may differ.

If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. 

-- PB

Monday, October 17, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 10-21-11

(Source image: unknown title by Beau Monde; website link broken)

Your challenge for this Friday, 10-21-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 38-98 words. I would also like you to please use this phrase in your submission:

"...pained delight..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier -- tell all your friends. Enemies, too, if you like), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. Please do provide a link back to either the challenge post, to my main page at, or to the FAQ. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for the list of participants as well as my own take, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB

Friday, October 14, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 10-14-11: "Worth a Thousand Fantasies"

(Source image: "Framed" by Marcus J Ranum)

The instructor adjusted the frame, then stepped back, satisfied. “There,” he said. “Thirty minutes.”

Lyla settled back on her heels. Now that the time was actually here, she searched for a hint of her earlier panic, but it was nowhere to be found. Serene as a Hindu cow, she sat there, an object before their gazes.

The pose she'd chosen allowed her to glance around without disturbing her arrangement. She saw marked admiration in every glance, and caught some of that excitement herself. Her breasts drew tight and her nipples stood tall. Between her thighs, the insistent pulse mounted high.

“I love art class,” she thought.

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 80-112 words. Additionally, I asked that you include the emotion of "calm" somewhere in the piece.

Nobody's checking word counts, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

Not much to say this week, other than to say that I think the young lady in this photo is just lovely. I want to run my hands over that lovely smooth skin, caress those sweet curves. I love her purple hair, too, and wish I'd found some way to work that into the story. 

If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. 

-- PB

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 10-14-11

(Source image: "Framed" by Marcus J Ranum) 
Your challenge for this Friday, 10-14-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 80-112 words. Rather than use a word prompt this week, I would like you to include the emotion of "calm" somewhere in your piece.

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key requirement, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier -- tell all your friends. Enemies, too, if you like), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. Please do provide a link back to either the challenge post, to my main page at, or to the FAQ. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for the list of participants as well as my own take, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB

Friday, October 7, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 10-7-11: "The Treatment Was Successful...."

(Source image by Vlad Gansovsky, title unknown)

“ least, that's my opinion. You should give it a try!” Lisa said cheerfully.

Paul and Jane looked at each other tentatively. Jane licked her lips.

“What would it hurt?” she mused.

“Might even be fun,” he said.

“Okay, let's try!” And with that, she began tearing enthusiastically at his clothes. He growled and yanked her sweater open. Buttons flew everywhere and her breasts spilled into his hands. He dove in, sucking and licking as if his life depended on it. She pulled his slacks and boxers down, his cock flopping free and then rapidly swelling as she gave it a tongue bath. His hands were all over her, twining in her hair, grabbing her ass, slipping between her legs to find her, surprisingly, just as ready as he.

She jumped into his lap, lifting and sinking down with a groan. He gasped too as she started bucking, riding him wildly.

The lobby door opened, the receptionist glancing down at her clipboard. “Mr. and Mrs.....Johanssen, was it? Dr. Ruth will see you now.”

Lisa sipped at her coffee, glancing at Paul and Jane. They hadn't even heard. “I don't think they need to see the doctor anymore,” she said.

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 78-208 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:


Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

This one was fun. I looked at this picture and immediately thought "doctor's office!" And my imagination was off and running. At first I thought Paul and Jane were just bored and killing some time while they waited (you know how it is when you're waiting at the doctor's, the wait is interminable). Then, I'm not sure why, I took a closer look at the woman sitting next to them. She didn't look bored to me, but a bit smug. With that, my take on the picture solidified. This wasn't just any doctor's office, but a sex therapist's, where Paul and Jane were supposed to be meeting with the doctor to discuss their problems. But the woman sitting next to them had struck up a conversation with them, and given them a bit of good advice (more likely just a bit of common sense), and pretty soon they discovered they don't have any problems after all.

It's purely coincidental that they chose to try it out right then and there, of course. Has nothing to do with the fact that I think it would be really hot to have sex in a doctor's reception room with nobody caring. (God, I really am becoming an exhibitionist at heart).

Trivia: "The Treatment Was Successful......" is from that line of the old joke. The next line, of course, is ".......but the patient died."  For those who actually know the joke, I thought it would add a bit of urgency to the story even before you read it. The use of "Dr. Ruth" was just so it was clear they were visiting a sex therapist. Both of these things are what's commonly known as "overthinking it", incidentally.

If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. 

-- PB

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 10-7-11

(Source image by Vlad Gansovsky, title unknown)

Your challenge for this Friday, 10-7-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 78-208 words. I would also like you to please use this phrase in your submission:


As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier -- tell all your friends. Enemies, too, if you like), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. Please do provide a link back to either the challenge post, to my main page at, or to the FAQ. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for the list of participants as well as my own take, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB

Friday, September 30, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 9-30-11: "Successful Campaign"

(Image this week provided by Lexi, original source unknown...but doesn't it look like an advertisement?)

She was tall and slim, dark and pretty; he, short and round, bearded and bespectacled. They stared out the windows, side by side, looking down at the world below. Their vantage point accorded them a 360-degree view of the teeming streets.

“How does it work?” she wanted to know.

“I haven't the slightest idea, really. The neuroanatomists and chemists and physiologists who developed it could explain it, but every time they tried, my eyes glazed over.”

“Not interested in the technical side of things, eh?”

“Guilty as charged. All I care about is, does it work?”

“I guess we'll know soon enough, won't we? The transmitter was hooked up last night.”

“Where is it?”

“Ground floor level, disguised as a streetlamp.”

Her hand reached out, closed around the switch on the pedestal nearby. She hesitated.

“Is this right?”

His hand closed over hers, squeezing it gently. “Our culture is too repressed. There's too much emotional hurt and baggage attached. Sex should be fun between two people – or more than two. All we're doing is giving them a little help.”

“We'll see,” she murmured, almost inaudibly. And threw the switch.

In the streets below, a low murmur, a sigh of need, a ripple that passed over dozens of people. Skins flushed, hearts raced, mouths watered. Eyes met, and lingered. Chance contacts in the crowds unaccountably lingered. And lingered. And swiftly became caresses.

And the first of the impromptu couples dropped to the ground, tearing frenziedly at their clothes, clasping each other in passionate embrace, drawing each other down and into mergence. The murmur of need rose from a thousand throats, and everywhere, everywhere the lust storm rippled outward. Men embraced women. Women twined around others. Men coupled with other men. Women pounced on men who were already coupled with others. Threesomes, foursomes, couples. Everywhere you looked, love was being made. All surrendered to their animal instincts, lost in their pleasures, and enjoyed it as never before.

They barely noticed the bacchanal far below. In their cold, sterile boardroom, they were doing a little celebrating of their own.

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 130-354 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:


Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

I absolutely loved this picture when I found it in Lexi's stash. Had planned to use it weeks ago, but, well, you heard what happened and I won't dwell on it. Instead, I'll just note that I wish it weren't necessary in our story for scientists to come up with a gadget that breaks down our barriers, something that helps people be less repressed. I think it would be marvelous if our society was free and open enough for people to feel able to couple in the streets like this, to take their pleasure wherever they chose, without fear of reprisal or censure.

Regrettably, I just couldn't come up with any scenarios that spoke of such a utopia. So I resorted to science fiction, imagining this gorgeous scene as the field test of a libido-enhancing gadget. I think it's meant to be advertising the condoms (Fallux?), but regardless of the picture's source, I'll just say that I really enjoyed looking at this one. Such a fantastic scene of unfettered joy and pleasure. Now that's fucking hot.


If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. Thanks again to Lexi for providing this week's photo/advertisement.

-- PB

Monday, September 26, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 9-30-11

(Image this week provided by Lexi, original source unknown...but doesn't it look like an advertisement?)

I thank you folks for bearing with me during my recent time away. Your challenge for this Friday, 9-30-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 150-354 words. I would also like you to please use this phrase in your submission:


Nobody's going to fuss if you blow the word count, or forget the required phrase (well, it's a word, this week), but you'll have to carry around the image of me shaking my head sadly in disappointment. (I'm booked up for spankings well into the next century, so I've had to stop giving those out as "punishment).

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier -- tell all your friends. Enemies, too, if you like), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. Please do provide a link back to either the challenge post, to my main page at, or to the FAQ. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for the list of participants as well as my own take, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way. Many thanks to Lexi for providing us with this week's photo (and also for stepping in once or twice while I was away).

 -- PB

Friday, August 26, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 8-26-11: "It's All About Me"

(Photo this week provided by Red; originally from

“Oh god. Nearly there,” she moaned.

“That's what you said half an hour ago,” he muttered, voice muffled by her muff.

“No, really, I mean it this time, I.... I...... IIIIiiiieeeeee!!!”  her voice rose to a shriek.

Suddenly she sat up and pushed him away. “Wait, stop, stop!”

“What now?” he groaned.

“I need a picture for my blog. Just let me grab the camera, it won't take long.”

“Yeah. Right.”

“Lens......focal length......exposure time......okay, good. Now I just need to find the perfect angle.”

She looked down at his aggrieved expression. “Well? What're you waiting for? Get back to work.”

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 80-110 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:

"...the perfect angle..."

Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

When I first saw this pic, it had a mischievous, silly feel to it, as if she'd grabbed a camera while he was doing her in the bathroom and snapped a quick, blurry pic to titillate herself with when she was alone, bored, or what have you. I even tossed around a few phrasings in my head for when I got ready to write it.

Then, when I looked at the pic again, ready to start writing, it wasn't that way at all. Instead, it was a prima donna "blogger girl" who had an overinflated opinion of herself and thought she was the center of the world. Everything had to be about her "blog" and not even an impromptu bit of sex in the bathroom was exempt. The look on her face, I realized, wasn't a look of ecstasy, it was a look of preoccupation and mild annoyance that he kept jostling her just when she was about to snap the shot. I even got a bit angry at her for being such a bitch and obsessing over her stupid camera.

Don't ask me why it struck me this way and why I had such a visceral response. I swear I didn't see it that way the first time.

Disclaimer: I am, of course, not referring to any of you. None of you folks is that prima donna-ish. 

If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. Thanks to Red for providing this week's photo.

-- PB

Monday, August 22, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 8-26-11

(Photo this week provided by Red; originally from

Your challenge for this Friday, 8-26-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 80-110 words. I would also like you to please use this phrase in your submission:

"...the perfect angle..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier -- tell all your friends. Enemies, too, if you like), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. Please do provide a link back to either the challenge post, to my main page at, or to the FAQ. The Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for the list of participants as well as my own take, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way. Thanks to Red for providing this week's photo!

 -- PB

Friday, August 19, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 8-19-11: "Delicious"

(Image this week provided by Advizor; original source and title unknown)

"Sorry about the eggs. I'm really a bit rubbish at cooking."

"Mm. I have had more palatable breakfasts."

Curls of smoke drifted up from her cigarette as she gestured, lazily. "Mind you, that could be because this isn't what I wanted for breakfast."

I raised an eyebrow. "And you did want....?"

She rolled her eyes so hard they spun round in the sockets. "You, you idiot."

I blushed like a schoolgirl, but managed to squeak out, "So, um, why don't we get you what you really wanted?"

"Why indeed?" she purred.

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 69-99 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:

"...curls of [noun]..."

Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

Try as I might, I couldn't think of any other reason these two might be still nude or half-nude at the table unless they were so keen to get back to the bedroom that they hadn't bothered to dress. There is a rather pensive look on the face of the one on the right, but I consciously chose to ignore that, preferring to go with the "barely contained lust" approach. Besides, I've written too much lately that's been dark and/or turbulent and/or depressing and/or pensive. Rather have something cheerful.

This is, I think, the first thing I've posted here where I'm actually writing from the female perspective. I just can't think of the "I" in a story and have it be a female and make it seem right. Hopefully I did all right with this one. 

If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. Thanks to Advizor for this week's photo!

-- PB

Monday, August 15, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 8-19-11

(Image this week provided by Advizor; original source and title unknown)

I'm back from my biz trip and rarin' to go. Many thanks to those of you who played along over the past couple of weeks even without my mostly-benevolent eye watching over you!

Your challenge for this Friday, 8-19-11, is to use the picture above to rite a flash fiction of 69-99 words. I would also like you to please use this phrase in your submission:

"...curl of [noun]..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier -- tell all your friends. Enemies, too, if you like), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. Please do provide a link back to either the challenge post, to my main page at, or to the FAQ. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for the list of participants as well as my own take, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way. Thanks to Advizor for providing this week's photo!

 -- PB

Friday, August 12, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 8-12-11

(Source image: "Thrust" by Seth Aronson)

 [[Note: No story from me this week as I'm travelling; however, other participants, please leave a link to your own story! Please see below.]]

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 50-90 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:

"...driving deep..."

Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

A note to all: I am travelling for business from July 16th till mid-August. Didn't have time to create my own take before leaving, but see below for the other participants who did play!

If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. 

-- PB

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

TMI Tuesday: Cheating, Infidelity, Wandering Eyes, Et Cetera

Her: I saw you flirting with her. Cheater!
Him: It’s not cheating if we don’t have intercourse.

1. You have been separated from your significant other for six months. An attractive, attentive neighbor has paid you flattering attention. It is obvious he/she wishes to take the relationship further. Do you:
a. Dismiss him/her, you’re in a committed relationship.
b. Continue to flirt, but go no further.
c. Fantasize about him/her, but take care of your sexual needs solo.
d. Let the affair become physical.

Most likely a combination of A and C if I find them that attractive, but unless I had discussed it with my significant other ahead of time, I'd make no overt moves to let it become physical. Simply being separated from your partner for a time, unless you have an open relationship, isn't sufficient reason to sleep with someone else. More on this in a bit.

2. A male co-worker whom you have heard is great in bed and very well endowed has been flirting with you a lot. He obviously wishes to start a relationship. Do you:
(This question is for women AND men).

a. Make it clear to him you’re not interested.
b. Flirt with him but go no further
c. Mentally undress him and wonder what he’d be like in bed.
d. Let the relationship become sexual.

This one's easier. A, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I don't date (or sleep with) coworkers, ever. There are just too many opportunities for things to go horribly wrong if the relationship disintegrates. Secondly, although I'm plenty bicurious nowadays, I'm still a virgin as far as guys are concerned, and I think I'd rather have my first experience with a guy be as part of a threesome with a girl. Thirdly, see above re: committed relationship with my significant other (again, more on this in a bit).

3. Your significant other is impotent most of the time, showing little interest in you and little interest in being sexual. Do you:
a. Resign yourself to no sex.
b. Satisfy your needs with masturbation
c. Find someone who can satisfy you sexually but remain with your significant other
d. Leave him or her

Okay, now we're starting to hit close to home, because this has more or less been my own situation for the past year and a half. I started this journal in 2009 because I was upset with our lack of a sex life and her apparent disinterest in doing anything about it. Our sex life has dwindled to practically nothing, I'm always the initiator when we DO have sex, there's absolutely no variety, and in general I'm feeling unwanted and undesirable. I've talked to her but the discussions have always been unsatisfying and one-sided. I would have cut loose long ago if it weren't for the fact that many other things in the relationship weren't

So, basically, I HAVE had to resign myself to no sex, or to satisfying myself with masturbation and/or erotic stories and/or porn. Also, as open as I might be to the idea of an open relationship where both of us are free to sleep with whomever we choose, I know for a fact that SHE is not and would never be open to such an idea, so option C is out. The only remaining option is D, and it's looking more and more these days as if that will be the final choice if she continues to refuse to work on the problem.

4. The last time you and your mate had sex, were you:
a. Concentrating mostly on him/her, and you didn’t even orgasm
b. Thinking about your pleasure and theirs.
c. Concentrating mainly on your own pleasure.
d. Used his/her body as a tool to reach your own orgasm.

Concentrating on her. I was giving her oral (three orgasms' worth, in fact). When I finished, she didn't offer to reciprocate, so I didn't get any of my own pleasure (except the pleasure I always get from pleasing her). Unfortunately this has become an all too common scenario lately.

5. What kind of partner do you prefer while making love or having sex?
a. Tender, loving, slow and sweeet
b. I don’t care, just do me; it’s been a while
c. Tough, take-charge, I like it a little rough
d. Any lovin’ is good lovin’

D is definitely the answer here. I like all kinds of variety in sex. Slow and steady and sweet. Hard and rough. Animalistic and ripping clothes. Quickies sandwiched in between other things. Morning sex. Shower sex. Marathon sex. Role playing. Anything and everything goes, as far as I'm concerned. As long as both partners are enthusiastic, it doesn't matter what kind of sex it is; it's going to be fun.

Bonus: Do you mind if your significant other ogles/checks out another sexy person? What if they comment on that person, do you mind that?

Not in the least. This used to upset me, but over the years I've grown more secure with myself. I know there are plenty of other attractive guys out there besides me, but I'm the one she's going home with at the end of the day. Why should I be upset?

Besides, as I mentioned, I really wouldn't mind if she went so far as to actually sleep with the guy. As long as she talked about it with me in advance, and played safely and responsibly, as far as I'm concerned, she's welcome to do as she pleases.  I don't own her. 

Bonus, Bonus: What are your thoughts on the TMI Tuesday image above and the caption beneath it?

I'm in full agreement with the guy. It isn't cheating if there's no sex involved. Flirting is harmless. Looking is harmless. Besides, if I don't care if you look, why should you care if I look? As the great troubadour Jimmy Buffett notes in his song "Bank of Bad Habits":

A picture's worth a thousand words, just ask a cameraman
And it's no sin to stop and look, I do it when I can
But you have to purge that urge to merge, you have to keep your head
Or trouble is what you will find inside some stranger's bed

The bottom line is: whether I'm up for an "open" relationship or not, my partner isn't. So I can look, and I can flirt, and I can write sexy fantasies or stories, but when all's said and done, I'm still loyal to her, even if we are having problems.

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Monday, August 8, 2011

On stalkers and being signed up for Twitter accounts

I got two weird pieces of email yesterday. The first one: an auto-notification from Twitter asking me to confirm my newly created Twitter account.

That's a good one. I have less than no interest in Twitter. I don't need to let people know about the sandwich I'm eating, or my latest bathroom visit, as Penny Arcade ably lampooned. I figured some idiot had mistakenly entered my email address when creating their own Twitter account (although, really, how the hell do you think your own email address is "insatiabear" at gmail? That's pretty damned distinctive and you'd figure it would prevent people from getting it confused with their actual email address).

So I clicked the "not my account" link and Twitter helpfully removed me from any notifications about that account. I figured that was the end of it.

Until I got another notification a few hours later, this one being one of the "Join me on Twitter!" exhortations that get sent to somebody when an actual  Twitter user "invites" another person to join them. I got ready to throw that one in the trash as well......

.....and paused. Because the name of the user who'd sent the invite to me was "Mrs. Insatia Bear".

No, seriously. Here's a link to their profile.

Oooooooooookay. I am PRETTY sure I'd remember if I were married. I don't know whether to call this a case of creepy stalkerism or just chalk it up to a case of mistaken identity or confusion over a "common" username (although I had never figured "Insatiabear" would be all that common when I created the Blogger identity and Gmail account some two years ago).

Weird. For now, I guess I'll just ignore the invite, and hope no one shows up on my doorstep wanting to meet me.

So. What's the weirdest thing that's happened to YOU as a result of your sex writings?

-- PB

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 8-12-11

(Source image: "Thrust" by Seth Aronson)

Your challenge for this Friday, 8-12-11, is to use the artwork above to write a flash fiction of 50-90 words. Since everyone seems to be enjoying the required phrases, please use this phrase in your submission:

"...driving deep..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

**PLEASE READ: Note that I will be travelling for business reasons starting July 16th until mid-August. There will be a scheduled FFF Challenge each Monday while I'm gone, and a Friday "link collector" post, but I may or may not have the time to create my own story for the challenge each week. Because I don't do any NSFW stuff on my laptop, I also probably won't have email access during that time and also may not be able to leave comments on the other entries. 

That said, please don't let these differences keep you from playing anyway! The challenge entry will still go up each Monday and the link collector post will still appear each Friday. If you email me or leave comments, but I don't answer, it's not because I'm ignoring you -- I'm just off the grid for a time.

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for the list of participants and possibly my own take if I've been able to create one, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB