Thursday, October 27, 2011

Answer to a recent question from Formspring

Somebody recently asked me a question via the Formspring box in the upper right-hand corner of this page. They wanted to know:

I hope your wounds are healing okay an the pain isn't so great anymore. If that's the case, have you/do you fantasises about receiving sex as ‘treatment’ while sick/partially immobilised thus at your carer's mercy and so on?

Yes, actually I'm doing quite well. I get the cast on my wrist off next Tuesday and that will be the last physical evidence of the accident. There is still some neck pain and some back pain but I'm coping with those fairly well with the odd dose of Aleve.

To answer the question, of course I fantasize about sex with a naughty nurse. I don't think any guy doesn't have that fantasy. Who wouldn't get off on the idea of a young lady in a skimpy outfit ministering to him? Running her hands down my body, awaking my slumbering cock, stroking it, maybe sliding it between her breasts, maybe licking it like a lollipop, maybe just stroking me steadily till I fountained all over her hand. Or maybe she would get me nice and hard and then decide she needed to take my temperature....with her mouth. Or perhaps she would decide I was already too hot and bothered and needed to be cooled off, by sinking her wet pussy down along my cock till I was buried inside her. Mmmmm.

Truthfully, I'm almost back to normal now, physically at least. As soon as I get the cast off, my left hand will be free again. But my right hand works just fine, and I think I'm going to give it a little workout right now. I'm sure you can imagine how. :)

-- PB

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a fantasy. Good news about the cast. Glad to read that you're doing much better.


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB