Monday, March 8, 2010

a journey over landscapes

De Soto
da Gama
Magellan --
surely they could not have felt
the wonder and trepidation
I feel
wandering your landscapes, amazed
by the glory of what I behold.

hair spun auburn silk
eyes of melting blue
tiny arch of nose
and your mouth, oh
your mouth:
it unsettles, it sings, it calls
ruby red, quirked in Cupid's bow
tonguetip caressing underlip
in I-dare-you challenge.

Challenge accepted, offer confirmed --
buttons are popped, catches snapped
and your armorweave protection
from you
puddling, pooling
at your feet

White: so alabaster, so fine, so strong
textured like marble, but so soft, so giving
your flesh yields beneath my touch
and sighs, moans, whispering gasps
announce approbation

Your back arches, your hips sway, your hair curtains your face
that intense gaze, sparing me
from its piercing spike.
Your mouth finds mine.
Your tongue fills my mouth. I kiss a piece of the clean sun.
Your note vibrates along the strings of my psyche,
drawn out and drawn out and drawn out
resonating, amplifying,
shivering through from bones to balls to brain
and making each tingle unbearably.

Your soft hand wraps around me
in benediction.
Your mouth tastes my clear nectar.
Your liquid center accepts me
fired with heat, softness, purpose.
Your secret smile is ages old.

I am unmade, not unmanned, by your intensity.
Not for the first time I wonder
if this is how explorers felt

-- PB


  1. I so want to be explored. *sighs dreamily*

  2. Me too I want to be explored! Reading this gave me goosebumps...

  3. Gray: Are you casting about for an invitation on the next expedition, then? :)

    Spring Flower: An adventurous heart! I knew I liked you. :) Seriously, I'm happy you liked this one.

    -- PB

  4. *sigh* Oh, this is beautiful.I have always wished that someone would write about me. Your muse is very lucky indeed to have inspired you to write such wonderful words. Bravo.

  5. B.: I take inspiration from all sorts of places. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, and I think you give yourself too little credit; I'm sure your guy does write about you. :)

    -- PB

  6. Oh, such achingly beautiful and sensual attentions in both word and deed PB...

  7. B.: I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you should tell him to. :)

    Minx: So glad you liked it! I did try to make this one very sensual and soft. I see I succeeded, at least for you. :)

    -- PB

  8. i like this side of you, gimme more.

  9. Vixxy: More is available; I just had to see if anybody would find this interesting or not. I'm glad you did.

    -- PB

  10. Though he was never so graphic, these lines make me think of Coleridge. The second half of the poem 'Love'.

  11. Topaz: Now *that* is a lovely response. I'm very flattered you think so. Thank you!

    -- PB

  12. I liked this... "I am unmade, not unmanned, by your intensity."


  13. Marianne: I'm amused you liked that particular phrasing because it's one of the ones I'm least happy with, on reflection -- seems the reverse of what I actually intended. I'm glad you liked this offering.

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB