Monday, March 8, 2010

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 3-12-10

Your challenge for this Friday, 3-12-10, is to use the photo above to write a flash fiction of exactly 200 words. As usual, nobody's checking word counts, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

As always, if you're planning on joining in the fun, please email me [insatiabear (AT) gmail (DOT) com] or leave a comment here. If you don't let me know you're playing, you might get left off the list of participants when I post it on Friday. And nobody wants that. :)

Here's a button for you if you want to play. Use it to link back to this page, for now. I'm working on a placeholder page on my site which will be a general "about" for FFF, but that's not set up just yet.

Check back here on Friday for a list of participants, and then again on Sunday for the next FFF challenge!

-- PB


  1. Sephani: Great! I'll add you to the list. Thanks!

    -- PB

  2. I am in.


  3. I'm aboard! Interesting pic, P!


  4. Nilla and Snow: I'll add you both to the list. Thanks for playing and I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB