Friday, January 15, 2010

Group Post: "Sweet Sensation"

Is there anything in the world that compares to that first moment of mergence? That sweet sensation that feels like nothing else on earth?

I am tempted to say no. And the thing is, there are so many sensations in sexual play that feel so. fucking. good. Sensations starting at a low buzz, "mm, that's nice": the way your fingers feel trailing down my spine. Sensations that make me draw breath, sipping air: your tongue licking up the back of my neck. Sensations that make me tingle from head to toe, moaning "ohhhh yessss": your fingers wrapped around my shaft, pumping me slowly. Sensations that make me feel like I've been set on fire, but in a good way, "oh dear god I'm gonna....": that time-stopping instant just before coming. Sensations that make my blood burn, pulse pound, cock stand at attention: the excitement that races through me like summer lightning as you give me that come-hither look from across the room. Oh yeah -- I love them all, and a thousand more besides.

But for my money, nothing, absolutely nothing, compares to that instant when I part your glistening folds with my mushroom head and slide slowly, slowly, forward, gliding up and in and deep into your burning soaked depths. 

First, heat.....

No matter how hot you've made me, how much I'm burning for you, it doesn't matter. I could be incredibly keyed up, so hard and heavy and engorged, baking with lust, but it wouldn't matter. When I slip into you, you're always hotter. There's a nova burning at your core, and you channel directly from that to your pussy -- so regardless of how hot my cock is when I slide home, you're hotter still. And it's such a rare heat, too -- this heat that doesn't burn, just stokes me, inflames me, pushes my own redlining engine even closer to the danger point, so in seconds I'm clutching your ass with clenched hands, trying to draw myself deeper still.... 

Then, wetness.....

Fire and water, two diametric opposites. How then is it that you can be so hot and so freakin' wet at the same time? It astounds me every single time I push into you how effortless it is, how your lips glisten with your excitement, gleaming in the dim light. I look down, marveling, at your sheen covering my cock as I pull back, inch by inch emerging from your tunnel, looking like I've been dipped in lacquer, bright and shiny. Wet. God, so wet. I can hear squishing, moist sounds, can feel your juices, thick like honey, shifting and flowing around my shaft. I can't find the bottom of your ocean, I'm drowning in your depths and loving it.... 

Then, softness.....

Heat. Wetness. The two alone would be enough to drive me insane, but when we add in the silky smooth feel of your velvet cunt gripping me, there's just no hope for me at all. Softness begetting more hardness; it enfolds me, presses close on all sides, engulfs me. Shapes itself to the invader, spreads for the head and closes tight around my shaft, sucks me inward, urges me to drive deeper. I can feel your muscles milking me, inviting me to slide up and in, over and over, to pull back only far enough to thrust home again, to fill you, to plunge deep, bury myself to the hilt and past, take you for my own, possess you utterly.

I pull you close and into my lap, rocking deeper. Sensations explode around me. The soft, maddening weight of your breasts. The dagger points of your nipples against my chest. The fresh tang of your sweat. The muskiness of your excitement. The taste of blood from my tongue, bitten hard to stifle my screams. The slipperiness of our mingled sweat on heated skin. And you're urging me on too, rocking against me, creating a rhythm, grinding hard, going hand in hand with me as we shoot higher, rocketing upwards, breaking through the clouds, hitting apogee, sun bursting on the horizon as we clear the edge and begin the long fall downwards.

Sensations.....all of them exquisite. But none of them, none of them, can ever match that first spine-tingling moment, that moment when I first slide home where I belong, that moment that shocks me anew each time.

(This month's theme for the Group Post was suggested by Autumn. As always, your host is the sexy and alluring Kimberly, the Errant Wife. Why not go see how these other fine people handled Autumn's theme of "Sweet Sensations"?)

Haute Chocolat:
Gray :
Salt and Pepper:
Barefoot Dreamer:
And finally, our host, Kimberly:

-- PB


  1. Salt and Pepper: Oh, hell yeah. Isn't it, though? Thanks for dropping by!

    -- PB

  2. As a woman, this is also my favorite moment. And damn, it's hot to know what it does to a man!!!

    That was so. fucking. sexy. :)

  3. Very, very wow. How is it I didn't find you before now?

  4. Spring Flower: I could have written volumes and volumes on how it feels, but I didn't want to overwhelm anybody. I'm happy you enjoyed it so much!

    Marianne: Well, I don't know, but I'm glad you've found me, then! Welcome. Hope you like what you see here; feel free to drop in anytime. You'll find I'm a friendly host. :)

    -- PB

  5. Mmm yes I adore that first time feeling. You summed this up beautifully!

  6. you sum up the male experience so well. I feel as though you are answering questions I would ask a cock a directly.

  7. Gray: Thanks so much! I enjoyed your take on this one too. Hadn't thought of a club with that title. :)

    Library Vixen: Try as I might I can never be sure I'm portraying a woman's sensations accurately. But I know how it feels to ME, so that's what I did with this one. Glad you enjoyed!

    -- PB

  8. I think there is a consensus here - I adore this moment. I do my best to suspend this moment. It's one of the key drivers of desire. What can be more sweet than that?

  9. Topaz: I've been delighted to see that the women are enjoying this piece so much. I kind of figured it was just as intense for all of you as well. Glad you liked! :)

    -- PB

  10. Those initial moments of touch and exploration are indeed delectable...

    Great stuff baby!!

  11. Southerngirl: Countless sweet sensual sensations, yes....but so intense, this one. Do you agree that it's just as intense for you women? Glad you enjoyed!

    -- PB

  12. I need to keep an extra pair of panties handy when I read your stuff... Lordy.. how sensual! ~Jen

  13. Jen: Hell, why not do without 'em entirely, then? I'm sure Mark wouldn't mind in the least. :) Thanks!

    -- PB

  14. Everything I ever wanted to know about that moment, but didn't know how to ask....

    Wow.... that was amazing.

  15. Scarlett: I'm delighted you loved it so much. I really enjoyed writing this one.

    -- PB

  16. *sighs blissfully as the bookworm in her curls up in pleasure*
    Such sweet poetry for an act as old as time~
    Amazing <3

  17. happy I did not read this one in the morn like I had started to.

  18. Mystique: A bookworm, eh? I knew I liked you. :) I'm glad this was to your taste!

    Dreamer: Hey, another new visitor. Thanks for coming by! I hope your comment means you enjoyed reading it in the evening. :)

    -- PB

  19. so beautifully written. i truly love to hear a man's perspective on entry, just as you've done. how it feels for you. it's decribed so well here, i'm certain i now have a greater understanding. wow!

  20. Autumn: Wow, still another new visitor. Nice to see you here. I'm glad you liked what you saw!

    -- PB

  21. I'm definitely with you here. That first moment of merging is so very intense, so all-encompassing, so overwhelming. There is nothing quite like it...

    Just gorgeous PB!

  22. Minx: Isn't it awesome how it can be that intense every single time? It just never gets old, or tired, at least not for me.

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB