Friday, January 15, 2010

Flash Fiction Friday #21: "S-M BDSM"

Mary Jane hung, splayed, in the alleyway. The rain, so warm and inviting after that first kiss, was cold and sharp now. Her nipples were crinkled painfully hard, and each new droplet splatting on her back stabbed her skin like tiny nails. Water ran in rivulets down her arms and legs, streamed into her ears, got up her nose, made her damp mane heavier still. Her neck was starting to hurt.

She stretched and flexed again, testing her bonds once more. Webbing at her ankles, webbing at her hands, webbing round her waist and disappearing to some unseen spot above. No give, no loosening, from any of them; she was well and truly stuck for whatever he had planned. At least the alleyway was deserted; she thanked her stars for that much. She raised her head and found him, staring back at her from his perch on the wall nearby. The opaque eyelets gave no hint of what he was thinking.

God, she thought, if I'd known Spider-Man was into bondage, I'd never have kissed him in the first place....

(If you're confused by the reference on this one, I guess you haven't seen "Spider-Man". Go watch this vid at Youtube, and then you'll see why I had to write this after seeing the pic. 

The enchanting Luna Mauvaise has provided the challenge pic this week (and, for a change, no word requirement). Spanky is still MIA, so we still have no one to host Flash Fiction Friday. Want to see who else is playing? Go see Luna.)

-- PB


  1. LOL I love it! Its always the "normal" looking guys with the biggest kinks!

  2. Awesome! You are certainly creative. Spiderman. lol. Yeah... I wouldn't mind being in that position for spiderman. :-)

  3. Sephie: I'm glad you liked this one. If NORMAL looking guys have weird kinks, what might admittedly screwed-up people like Spider-Man do? I thought exhibitionism, BDSM and deliberate cruelty would make an interesting cocktail.

    Temptress: I just couldn't help it. The instant I saw the picture I flashed to the kissing scene in the movie, and from there it was just a short hop to this. :) Glad you liked it!

    -- PB

  4. You relay her confinement and thus predicament with eloquent detail...


  5. Southerngirl: Detail has never been my weakness -- except perhaps in providing too much of it! I'm happy it's to your taste here.

    -- PB

  6. Haha this made me laugh. How awesome!!:)

  7. Gray: This scene just LEAPED into my head unbidden when I saw the pic. There must be something wrong with me. I couldn't stop giggling when I was writing it. Glad it brought you some amusement. :)

    -- PB

  8. Only a kinky nerd could write something like this. I like it. :)

  9. Marianne: Excellent! I do love being a kinky nerd. Or geek. Or whatever phrase you choose. :)

    -- PB

  10. I think you just found your 2010 Halloween costume, Spiderman ;-)

    I loved it - but you probably knew that already!

  11. Spring Flower: Oh, I might have guessed so since I know you're hankering for a proper tie-up. :) Glad you loved it, though.

    -- PB

  12. Great contribution, PB! I can just see that scene from the movie, and think how much better it would have been if Spidey had shown us this kind of kink. :)


  13. I guess that upside-down kiss was just the beginning!!

    Who knew Spidey was so kinky?

    Awesome post!

  14. Lovin' this picture!

  15. Luna: I'm sure there has been a porno version of Spider-Man somewhere out there, but the production values would probably suck, and then it wouldn't be half as interesting. :)

    Scarlett: Well, to borrow a phrase from "Batman Begins": 'Well, a man who dresses up as a BAT clearly has issues.' I guess that could apply to Spidey too. Glad you liked this one.

    Mydeepbluesea: I thought it was pretty damn cool too, even if it did evoke this somewhat silly image in my head. :) Thanks for dropping by!

    -- PB

  16. I'm sure there has been a porno version of Spider-Man somewhere out there, but the production values would probably suck, and then it wouldn't be half as interesting. :)

    Must you invoke Rule 34 on me? :\
    (Or in your case of creating here)
    Rule 35? :p

    I've got too many fond memories of the cartoon back in the 90's, so um I'll pass on any further scenes beyond that hot rain kiss. ^^
    Yay for just 100 words! xD

  17. (or more, seems there was no rules in this weeks challenge) >.>

  18. Mystique: Heh, I figured this would make a few people cringe. That's okay, at least you gave it a shot. :) Thanks as always for dropping by!

    -- PB

  19. Great for thought.


  20. I am STILL laughing ...
    Have been away too long ...
    Good one - good one!

  21. CW: Luna does come up with good pics, doesn't she? Thanks for dropping by!

    Fantasia: Heh. I'm glad you found it amusing! Good to see you again.

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB