Tuesday, October 6, 2009

TMI Tuesday #207

Busy, busy, busy today. Too busy for a really thoughtful entry, but I can squeeze in a TMI Tuesday.

1. What is your underwear "style" of choice?
Tighty-whities when I need support for the meat-and-two-veg, boxers when I want to be comfy, and commando when I want to be naughty. Mostly boxers.

2. How old were you when you had your first sexual experience?
I was 20 years old. Late starter, I'm afraid.

3. What about a potential partner turns you on?
Is she openminded? Is she outgoing? Is she attractive to me (yes, I'm a dog, physical attraction IS important)? Is she smart, funny, witty, interested in at least a few of the things that I enjoy in and out of the bedroom?

And, more to the point, does she love sex? Is she an enthusiastic partner? Is her drive similar to mine?

4. Have you ever played a game which may require you or others to disrobe?
No, sadly.

5. Given or received finger scratch marks during sexual activity?
Oh yes. It's lots of fun. I was at the gym once, the day after a night of fun with my partner of the time. A fellow gym-goer looked at the red furrows on my back and asked me if I'd been fucking Catwoman or something. I was amused.

Bonus: How many times is the most you have ever had sex in a 24 hour period?
This is kind of a repeat. I mentioned last week that my personal record is nine instances of actual penetrative sex, with many more instances of oral and digital play to make up for it when the flesh was weak. We were both pretty exhausted when it was all over with.

Want to play too? Go visit TMI Tuesday, or just copy the questions from me, really.


  1. Nice answers!! I was a late starter too. :)

  2. Grace: Were you Catholic? Like Billy Joel said, "Catholic girls start much too late..." To which I would always add, ".....but they make up for lost time!"

    I wasn't Catholic, but we late starters do seem to have a rather volcanic drive once we get going. :)

    Happy Tuesday!

    -- PB

  3. Nice to see I wasn't the only late bloomer and you are right, we do make up for it later on.;)

    Physical attraction is important to the people involved. Anyone who says they don't care what someone looks like at all, is lying. But on the same token, what I find attractive others might not. ;)

    Happy TMI Tuesday!:)

  4. Gray: There seem to have been a LOT of late starters, from looking around some of the responders' entries. But hey, at least we have more fun once we do get started....as we've already noted. :)

    Happy Tuesday!

    -- PB

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  6. I'm so boring for the bonus question compared to some of you! WOW 9 times! Crazy!

    I loved your answers to number 3--physical appearance is important to me, but I'm not a dog ;)

  7. Let's just say I have a dear person coming to see me soon. And we plan on breaking all sorts records. But that is all the information you'll get out of me!:P

  8. TMiss: Scandalous is fun. Woohoo! Are you also making up for lost time like the rest of us late starters? :)

    Elle: Nah, you've just had *different* experiences from some of us, is all. Haven't seen you here before -- thanks for dropping by!

    Gray: Well, I suppose I'll allow that, as long as you tell us all about the resulting chaos after it's all over. :)

    -- PB

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  10. TMiss: Good for you. Enjoy it as much as you can. :)

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB