Friday, August 28, 2009

Oops. That probably shouldn't have been said out loud.

Found today at

Busted Pipes

(My dad is a plumber. One day while trying to fix a clog, he finds a whole bunch of condoms.)
Dad: “I found the cause of your clog.  Next time, just throw away your condoms. They don’t dissolve, so it’s bad for the toilet.”
Customer: “But my wife and I don’t use condoms…”
(There’s an awkward silence as the customer mulls over what he’s just said.)
Customer: “I think I’ll be having a talk with my wife now.”


Of Quick Comebacks And Minute Men

(The store is very small with 2 registers and we call customers over one at a time to prevent overcrowding. A customer walks over to register with his wife, without being called.)
Me: “Oh, hold on there, sir. You came too fast.”
Customer’s Wife: “Story of my life.”


I haven't yet encountered anything like this in my line of work, although I have had a few people tell me what a nice voice I have. How about you folks? Ever had something weirdly sexual happen at your workplace?

-- PB


  1. Yes, and I was involved, but Daniel doesn't exactly like me to talk about it. ;-)

  2. Frances: Aw! That's a shame. Is that because he too was involved.....? :)

    -- PB

  3. nope. he'd be ALL about talking about it if he'd BEEN involved. maybe if you ask him nicely he'll let me tell you the story. ;-)

  4. @frances: Are you talking about the stuff with R.?

  5. Frances, Daniel: Now you've both got me very curious. I shall have to interrogate you both over drinks, or something.

    -- PB

  6. @daniel - yes the stuff with r. you think it's not the story panser was after?

    @panser - sounds like a plan. you make interrogation sound like fun!


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB