Friday, August 28, 2009

Flash Fiction Friday

Empty, hurting, exhausted, used and discarded like a toy. How could she have known it'd come to this when she answered a comment about her HNT pic?

She'd thought, “there's no harm in just talking to him”. Then she'd thought “there's no harm in meeting him”. Then, no thought at all as his cock vanished down her throat and she vanished in a red haze. Such power....


This is my entry for Spanky's Flash Fiction Friday: 69 words about the picture shown above. She looks sad and tired to me, so no matter how I wanted to create something pleasant, it kept turning into something different. If you want to play too, go see Spanky's post.

-- PB


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yeah it was hard not to go dark. I enjoy the image of cock disappearing down my throat. yum!

  3. I enjoyed this one tremendously; it is one of the best I think. As Library Vixen points out, the imagery is wonderful!

  4. Vixen: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

    Spanky: I appreciate the kind words.

    -- PB

  5. This totally explains why I've been a "good girl" all these years! Now I feel grateful for it! KayLynn

  6. KayLynn: Well, being a bad girl does have its good points, too, it must be said. :)

    -- PB

  7. This is an excellent post for FFF, well done. Very expressive in so few words. My favourite so far.


  8. Mina: Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB