Monday, February 18, 2013

e[Lust] #43

Becks and Her Kinks
Photo courtesy of Beck and Her Kinks
Welcome to e[lust] - The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at e[lust]. Want to be included in e[lust] #44? Start with the newly updated rules, come back March 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
P.S. Thank you for your patience while we find our way around here at e[lust] if we have made any mistakes (and surely we have) we will do our best to get it right the next time around.

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~
misconceptions of dating polyamorous women
Compromise in D/s relationships
Writing Challenge – The Journey

~ Featured Posts (Molly’s Picks) ~
 To shave or not to shave?
Of Human and Whore

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!

Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Non-Monogamy and Sex Toys – Safe Sharing Tips
A Man’s Case for Being an Asshole
Thyroid function and sexuality
Property Renewal
SilverHubby: “On Being Fucked by You”
Pain In My Ass
Think Different
Open vs Poly
Escaping the Individual
To shave or not to shave?

Sex News, Interviews, Politics & Humor
Is your sex toy review breaking the law?

Kink & Fetish
Good Boy

Erotic Writing
Take me in
Downpour          [[hey, look at that -- it's me!]]
A Naughty Nurse Setup!
Afternoon Delight
Sexy Single
Tender is the Night
Butch on Butch
A change of plan
Anal: The Final Frontier
When He Comes In My Mouth
Morning Surprise


Lolita Twenty-Thirteen, Part One
My dirty fantasy
The Peace of Wild Things
Camping Conquests
Collar & Lead
Eat Me
Shhh! Come Here!
The End of The World – Almost
Restraints For A Good Girl
Of Human and Whore
Silver Fox, Mynx, and the Hunter – Part VI: Take Two
A Story For Sir

1 comment:

Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB