Thursday, July 28, 2011



...your lips on my cock, your tits in my hands, your hair sweeping over my body as you crawl up my torso....

....your cries of delight as you cum for the fifth time in thirty minutes, your pussy clenching around my invading fingers, your eyes locked with mine as I plunge deep inside you.....

......your legs wrapped around my ass when I bottom out inside your hot cunt, your nails raking my back, your tongue buried in my mouth....

.....your pussy juice smeared all over my face, your body spread out before me like a garden of delights, your breasts held up for me to anoint with my cum....

......your oiled, slippery body undulating against mine, your head thrown back in joy as you ride me to ecstasy, your talented fingers coaxing me back into hardness for yet another go.....

Wanting all this and so much more.

-- PB


  1. Been a while since I've read a piece like this from you, and well done!

    But instead of five times in half an hour, how about ALLOWING her but one within two hours? -evil laugh-


  2. Soren: yeah, I'm trying to get back into the habit of posting regularly, even if it's just a short piece from my smartphone, like this was. As for the relative frequency thing...well, every session demands something different, eh?

    Thanks for dropping by.

    -- PB

  3. Ok. I'll admit it. I want all this too.

  4. Oh, please don't listen to Soren. LOL! Five times in 30 minutes is heavenly. ;-)

    "cries of delight, legs wrapped around your ass, pussy juice smeared all over your face
    oiled, slippery body undulating against you"

    Oh yes!

    I like the last line, "Wanting all this and so much more."

    Oh yes!

    Wonderful piece!

  5. 5 times is heavenly for sure! Why be evil about it?! It wouldn't make me coax a lover back for another round!! ;)

  6. Lola: And you probably get all of it regularly. Nice, isn't it? :)

    Chloe: Thanks so much! I bet you get all of this from Jack too.

    Sweets: I'm really happy you enjoyed it. Yes, yes, yes, indeed. :)

    France: There is something to be said for denial, like Soren said, but it has to be a once-in-a-while thing. I prefer "as many as possible" rather than a limited diet for the lady, as a rule. :)

    -- PB

  7. Animalistic freakin' HOT!

    ...bottoming out in a pussy? Now that's deep.


  8. Hedone: Yes, well, that's what fantasies are for. :) Glad you enjoyed nevertheless!

    -- PB

  9. Wanting…

    The charm of your spell, the weaving of your magic.
    Your lexicon I long for, a lexophile in literary lust.
    Was many a moon that did not cast its light,
    silence and darkness robbed of word craft and of voice robbed by silence and the darkness of night.
    But once again does the days seem bright,
    where the pied piper comes to play and his followers can sing his praise…

    …of the want he leaves them craving for again and again and again~

    Thanks for bestowing my voice ;)

  10. Don't you just love it when no matter how many times one proofreads their own work, they only spot the errors AFTER they hit 'post' x.x;;

    Welcome back, don't work too hard offline :p

  11. Mystique: Thanks so much for those enchanting words! Nice to have you visiting again. I know I haven't had much real content here over the past few months but I hope to have that corrected soon. You may also want to read my recent tale "First Class Train Travel" if you're looking for more.

    Also, apologies for not seeing this until now. I wasn't sent the comment notification until today. WTF?

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB