Monday, December 20, 2010

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 12-24-10

(Artwork above is from a 70s Playboy cover by Haddon Sundblom, who is rather more well known for his other Christmas art.)

Your challenge for this Friday, 12-24-10, is to use the artwork above to write a flash fiction of 121-199 words. Since everyone seems to be enjoying the required phrases, please use this phrase in your submission:

"...unwrapping a gift..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class. 


I will be travelling for personal and business reasons from December 18th - January 10th. During that time I will not be able to collect the participant list like usual to go along with the Friday post, and probably will not be able to leave comments on everyone else's takes. However, since I don't want you all to be entirely bereft of FFF action, I will still have a challenge post/pic/phrase up on each Monday during that time period, and will still provide my own take on Friday. I just won't be able to provide a participant list like usual on that Friday. I hope you folk will still participate!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for my take on the challenge, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB


  1. Of course the first time I decide to jump in on FFF, you won't be around! Waaaah! At any rate, mine is written and scheduled to publish at 12:01 EST on Christmas Eve. Just about the time this naughty little minx will get her just rewards. ;) Thanks for the inspiration, PB! xo

  2. I would be glad to collect the names and URLs of those who are participating this week. Friday morning I will append the list names and URLs to my posting and email the list to everyone else so they might do the same if they wish.

    Comment here if you don't want to expose your email, and you can pick up the list from one of the posted versions.

    Send to with FFF in the subject.

  3. I'm in, in case anyone comes by and wants to know. Or in case I'm not too late for David's grand collecting of names.


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB