Friday, October 29, 2010
Halloween Flash Fiction Friday 10-29-10: "Til Death Do Us Part"
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Monday, October 25, 2010
Halloween Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 10-29-10
(Image source: "Ligeia 1" by Louis Cheshire, website unknown)
Happy Halloween FFF! Your challenge for this Friday, 10-29-10, is to use the artwork above to write a flash fiction of 150-275 words. Since everyone seems to be enjoying the required phrases, please use this phrase in your submission:
"...cold and dead..."
As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.
The usual reminders apply: if you're planning on joining in the fun, please email me (insatiabear (AT) gmail [DOT] com) or leave a comment here. And please, for the love of all that's holy, include a website address if you email me, or if your commenting profile doesn't have a link to your page. It makes things a whole hell of a lot easier for me, which I'm sure you all want to do. :) If you don't let me know you're playing, or don't tell me where you can be found, I'll have to leave you off the list of participants when I post it on Friday. And nobody wants that.
Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.
Check back here on Friday for my take on the challenge and the list of participants, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.
-- PB
Friday, October 22, 2010
Flash Fiction Friday 10-22-10: "....That Launched a Thousand Ships"
(Photo provided by Soren Ambrose, title and source unknown. Photographer: Petrova Julian).
“Fuck me sideways,” he growled, tossing down his brush, spraying crimson. “This isn't working.”
She stretched, rolling her head from side to side with little crackles. “You're the boss,” she said. “What do you want, then?”
“No, goddammit,” he said angrily. “Have you been listening at all? I'm not the boss. You are. I want hauteur and disdain here. You're Helen of Troy, and someone's surprised you while you're getting dressed – invaded your private bedroom and dared to lay eyes on you. A ten-year war was started for less. Now, think: how would you react?”
She tilted her head, really considering for the first time. “I suppose I'd be pretty pissed, at first.”
At first? Odd. He nodded. “That's a start.” He reached for the brush and began mixing furiously as he saw her getting it, really getting it.
Her arms, clutching the satin sheets so convulsively till now, slid down. The satin slipped away, revealing more of her exquisite form. Her back arched. Her breasts came up. She tossed her head angrily and a sneer curled her lip.
“Who...dares?” she hissed slowly. Venom dripped from the words and ate smoking holes in the floor.
“Yes, that's it, baby,” he muttered, paintbrush working frantically, trying now to capture the icy arrogance that shone forth in waves.
“Baby?” The scorn in her voice was palpable. “I am not, or anyone else's.” Her chin tilted imperiously. “But....then again, you are not uncomely.”
She paused, seemingly calculating, and then the sheets slid to the floor. His paintbrush fell from nerveless fingers as she stalked towards him, gaze hungry, breasts swaying, lips parted.
I may have created a monster here, he thought, and then she was on him.
Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 100-300 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:
"...a sneer curled her lip..."
Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).
Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:
I looked at this picture for a long time before I found any inspiration at all, but once it did come, I was positively deluged with ideas.
First was the icy expression on her face. My guess is the photographer wanted her to have a sultry look on her face, but to me those lips are curling in scorn. Thus, the key phrase. I wanted to see how other people would deal with that themselves.
Next was her classical beauty. High cheekbones, large dark eyes, long hair artfully tousled. Something about the lighting, the clothing or fabric that she was holding in front of her, the coloring of the background -- all of it suggested something from a bygone age.
Then I got thinking about classically beautiful women, and suddenly decided to go with Helen of Troy. I remember Helen as kind of a cipher in Homer's original, getting only a few lines to speak of her remarkable beauty, but no development or real interest there. Likewise in the recent film; Diane Kruger was pretty enough, but she was only that -- a pretty face (okay, and body, too). But the woman shown here is more beautiful by far, and she knows it.
I decided to emphasize that arrogant look, and thought I'd see what Helen would do if she was really full of herself. Who wouldn't be, after having a war started over her body? Now, if her bedroom were invaded...yes. She'd be pissed off. But what else? If the intruder was attractive....well. Her kidnapper Paris had come to gradually disgust her. She'd left her husband behind. All the Trojans hated her. Wouldn't she be more than a little hungry for male companionship? I thought she would.
The following people are participating this week. Go check out their take on this FFF, won't you, and thank 'em for playing along.
Just a Taste:
Big Geek:
Spring Flower:
Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. Thanks to Soren for providing this week's photo.
-- PB
art appreciation,
Flash Fiction Friday,
Monday, October 18, 2010
Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 10-22-10
(Photo provided by Soren Ambrose, title and source unknown. Photographer: Petrova Julian).
Your challenge for this Friday, 10-22-10, is to use the photo above to write a flash fiction of 100-300 words. Since everyone seems to be enjoying the required phrases, please use this phrase in your submission:
"...a sneer curled her lip..."
As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.
The usual reminders apply: if you're planning on joining in the fun, please email me (insatiabear (AT) gmail [DOT] com) or leave a comment here. And please, for the love of all that's holy, include a website address if you email me, or if your commenting profile doesn't have a link to your page. It makes things a whole hell of a lot easier for me, which I'm sure you all want to do. :) If you don't let me know you're playing, or don't tell me where you can be found, I'll have to leave you off the list of participants when I post it on Friday. And nobody wants that.
Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.
Check back here on Friday for my take on the challenge and the list of participants, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.
-- PB
Friday, October 15, 2010
Flash Fiction Friday 10-15-10: "Ball and Chain"
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 10-15-10

(Source image provided this week by Advizor; original source unknown).
(Apologies for the delay in posting this. A city-wide power failure knocked out electricity and Internet access to my house yesterday and it wasn't restored until about 2 AM this morning).
Your challenge for this Friday, 10-15-10, is to use the photo above to write a flash fiction of 90-100 words. Since everyone seems to be enjoying the required phrases, please use this phrase in your submission:
"...the cold bite..."
As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.
The usual reminders apply: if you're planning on joining in the fun, please email me (insatiabear (AT) gmail [DOT] com) or leave a comment here. And please, for the love of all that's holy, include a website address if you email me, or if your commenting profile doesn't have a link to your page. It makes things a whole hell of a lot easier for me, which I'm sure you all want to do. :) If you don't let me know you're playing, or don't tell me where you can be found, I'll have to leave you off the list of participants when I post it on Friday. And nobody wants that.
Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.
Check back here on Friday for my take on the challenge and the list of participants, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.
-- PB
Friday, October 8, 2010
Flash Fiction Friday 10-8-10: "The Anointing"
(Source image: "Chaotic Art 2" by Kaji)
She closed her eyes, floating in darkness, awaiting her anointing. Goosebumps seethed on her naked body. Faintly, she heard murmurs, benedictions in Latin. She felt them all around, moving closer. The voices rose to a climax, and one spoke: “Now.”
Taking hold of her salvation, she began stroking, slowly, firmly. She gasped as warmth splashed her upturned face and breasts. Sighing, she bathed in glory.
Finally, she felt a finger, drawing a cross on her cum-splattered forehead.
"Go, my child, and sin no more," she heard.
Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 60-90 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:
"...taking hold..."
Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).
Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:
Maybe I *am* asking to be struck by lightning, but as an atheist, I don't really give a damn. When first I saw this particular piece of artwork, I was taken by the expression on her face. It wasn't a look of disgust, or of boredom like you so often see in facial shots in porn films. It wasn't even just a look of pleasure or expectant happiness; no, instead it seemed to me to be a look almost of exaltation.
Then I got thinking about what people consider sacred, and suddenly there it was: an idea for an order of monks who washed away the sins of others with their semen. I could even see them in my head, chanting Latin phrases, dressed in black robes open at the front, stroking themselves towards orgasm as the penitent knelt in the center of their ring. The idea was so perfectly hilarious that I just couldn't resist writing it up. I imagined a girl who had committed some imagined sins, perhaps of lust, perhaps far beyond that, and what she might do if she had the opportunity to be bathed in salvation. I wondered how she might feel, knowing that her sins were to be washed clean. A different sort of salvation, to be sure, but who's to say the act of receiving someone's cum might not be almost sacred to the right people?
Or maybe I just wanted to do a wholly different take on the usual facial cumshot thing. You decide.
The following people are participating this week. Go check out their take on this FFF, won't you, and thank 'em for playing along.
Liley Brown:
B. Tickler:
Slow Burn:
Scarlett: (Scarlett's new this week; please go say hello and welcome!)
Big Geek:
Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way.
-- PB
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
How young is too young?
So I was browsing around on Youtube yesterday and came upon some vids by Jacqueline Mannering, a London-based guitarist who plays a lot of shred stuff. Now, I do like a good shred solo now and again, so I checked out some of her vids. My first thought was "Damn, she's talented; look out, guitarists, this girl's going to eat your lunch", followed closely by "Damn, she's a cutie! Look at that face, look at that goth chic thing she's got going on...yeah, she's a hottie, all right!"
Then I looked at some of her other vids and I realized that she was only fifteen when they were posted. First I panicked. "Ouch," I thought. "I'm getting the hots for a fifteen-year-old. What the hell's the matter with me? Am I getting to dirty-old-man territory before I even hit my forties? Are people going to throw stones at me for being a horrible pervert?"
I did some more hunting, and elsewhere on her Facebook fan page I found out she was born in July 1992, so that makes her eighteen now. Crisis averted, sort of (we won't discuss whether it's still uncool, or worse, ridiculous, for me to be getting the hots for a girl who's still nearly twenty years my junior). But it did get me thinking -- how young is too young?
I've talked to women who had their first sexual experience at fourteen, and thought it was fantastic. I've talked to others who were in their mid-twenties before they had sex, and thought it was still too soon. Some cultures ritually deflower virgins at a certain age, whether they've got the sexual and emotional maturity to deal with it or not. Others arrange marriages before the girl's even had her first period. Others keep women's faces covered at all times when they're in public, regardless of age. It makes me think we've got some pretty fucked-up standards out there as far as sexual maturity goes. Every culture's different.
There aren't many things that I think have NO place at all in human sexuality. Taking a page from Spider Robinson, I'm firmly against anything that involves former food or former people. The other thing I can't and won't condone is sex with pre-sexual people. That, to me, has always meant "sex with people who feel they aren't ready for sex", whether they're fifteen or fifty. The problem comes when you start trying to define "pre-sexual". Then you start going back to the "how young is too young?" question. Is the kid who got seduced by his high school English teacher too young? Is the girl who goes to her neighbor and asks him to teach her about sex too young? What if she's fourteen? But then again, what if she's ten? It's a slippery slope I don't much care to explore, so I hide behind the "pre-sexual" tag.
The problem is that everyone's different, of course. You can look at people who're clearly sexually mature, but emotionally there's no way at all they could handle sex (think Carrie from Stephen King's debut novel). Yet on the other end of the spectrum you've got people who've grown up much faster than anybody expected, and are dealing with adult emotions and feelings (think Natalie Portman's character Matilda in the film "Leon: The Professional"). Is it wrong to deny them a little exploration if they feel they're ready for it? If they can have adult discussions about what they're thinking and feeling and have real, solid, concrete reasons for wanting to explore the mysteries of sex? Or should we just slap a big "Not until you're sixteen" label on them all, hoping that by that time everybody will be able to handle what they want so badly? And who decides on the label? Twentysomethings or teenagers who still remember vividly how they felt when they discovered sex, or middle-agers who have twenty years' experience to look back and temper the fire they were feeling then?
Yeah, I know there are no easy answers. I just can't stop thinking about things like this. I think it's unfair that we don't have any real concrete way of knowing when somebody's ready, really ready, to have sex, ready to make their own decisions. And I don't agree that generally the first time is absolutely crucial and can scar you for life if it's not done properly; like any bad experience, people can get past just about anything. But....on the other hand, I think about rapists who lie in wait for children in parks. I think about men who prey on young girls who are just looking for some approval from someone, anyone, and will do anything to feel loved. I think about people who really ARE pedophiles and don't care about who they hurt as long as they get what they want. And that kind of garbage horrifies me on several levels, and then I start thinking a "Not till you're sixteen" label isn't so bad.
How old were you when you first had sex? Would you have done it years before if you'd had the chance? Or do you think you should have waited till you were older? If you had the chance to go back and do it again, would you change things?
How young do YOU think is too young?
-- PB
Then I looked at some of her other vids and I realized that she was only fifteen when they were posted. First I panicked. "Ouch," I thought. "I'm getting the hots for a fifteen-year-old. What the hell's the matter with me? Am I getting to dirty-old-man territory before I even hit my forties? Are people going to throw stones at me for being a horrible pervert?"
I did some more hunting, and elsewhere on her Facebook fan page I found out she was born in July 1992, so that makes her eighteen now. Crisis averted, sort of (we won't discuss whether it's still uncool, or worse, ridiculous, for me to be getting the hots for a girl who's still nearly twenty years my junior). But it did get me thinking -- how young is too young?
I've talked to women who had their first sexual experience at fourteen, and thought it was fantastic. I've talked to others who were in their mid-twenties before they had sex, and thought it was still too soon. Some cultures ritually deflower virgins at a certain age, whether they've got the sexual and emotional maturity to deal with it or not. Others arrange marriages before the girl's even had her first period. Others keep women's faces covered at all times when they're in public, regardless of age. It makes me think we've got some pretty fucked-up standards out there as far as sexual maturity goes. Every culture's different.
There aren't many things that I think have NO place at all in human sexuality. Taking a page from Spider Robinson, I'm firmly against anything that involves former food or former people. The other thing I can't and won't condone is sex with pre-sexual people. That, to me, has always meant "sex with people who feel they aren't ready for sex", whether they're fifteen or fifty. The problem comes when you start trying to define "pre-sexual". Then you start going back to the "how young is too young?" question. Is the kid who got seduced by his high school English teacher too young? Is the girl who goes to her neighbor and asks him to teach her about sex too young? What if she's fourteen? But then again, what if she's ten? It's a slippery slope I don't much care to explore, so I hide behind the "pre-sexual" tag.
The problem is that everyone's different, of course. You can look at people who're clearly sexually mature, but emotionally there's no way at all they could handle sex (think Carrie from Stephen King's debut novel). Yet on the other end of the spectrum you've got people who've grown up much faster than anybody expected, and are dealing with adult emotions and feelings (think Natalie Portman's character Matilda in the film "Leon: The Professional"). Is it wrong to deny them a little exploration if they feel they're ready for it? If they can have adult discussions about what they're thinking and feeling and have real, solid, concrete reasons for wanting to explore the mysteries of sex? Or should we just slap a big "Not until you're sixteen" label on them all, hoping that by that time everybody will be able to handle what they want so badly? And who decides on the label? Twentysomethings or teenagers who still remember vividly how they felt when they discovered sex, or middle-agers who have twenty years' experience to look back and temper the fire they were feeling then?
Yeah, I know there are no easy answers. I just can't stop thinking about things like this. I think it's unfair that we don't have any real concrete way of knowing when somebody's ready, really ready, to have sex, ready to make their own decisions. And I don't agree that generally the first time is absolutely crucial and can scar you for life if it's not done properly; like any bad experience, people can get past just about anything. But....on the other hand, I think about rapists who lie in wait for children in parks. I think about men who prey on young girls who are just looking for some approval from someone, anyone, and will do anything to feel loved. I think about people who really ARE pedophiles and don't care about who they hurt as long as they get what they want. And that kind of garbage horrifies me on several levels, and then I start thinking a "Not till you're sixteen" label isn't so bad.
How old were you when you first had sex? Would you have done it years before if you'd had the chance? Or do you think you should have waited till you were older? If you had the chance to go back and do it again, would you change things?
How young do YOU think is too young?
-- PB
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Beware of Free Roses
"Yes, can I speak with Will Tansky?"
"This is."
"Mr. Tansky, this is Rick at Dandelion Wine, a new flower shop in town. We're running a promotion this week in an effort to get the word out about our store, and I'm pleased to tell you that you've been chosen to have a free bouquet of roses sent to the person of your choice. All we need is a name and an address."
"Interesting," the voice remarked. "How did you get this number?"
"Oh, we've been picking them at random from the phone book, Mr. Tansky."
"This is an unlisted number."
"Ah. Well, I, um." Rick floundered for a bit. "I...suppose I'd better come clean with you, sir," he said finally. "A friend of yours was in here last week at our grand opening and they dropped a business card with your number into our drawing. Your card was one of the ones drawn."
"That makes more sense," Will agreed. "So what was it you wanted from me?"
"Well, as I said, sir, we're offering a free bouquet of roses to be sent to the lady of your choice. We just need a name and an address, and we'll get that sent off today...and we hope you'll remember Dandelion Wine for any future flower needs you might have!"
"Hey, who can argue with 'free?' " Will said, and Rick could practically see the grin on his face. "Okay, well, I know one lady who'll be delighted to receive them. Please send them to Irene Bolles, 158 Waveland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60613."
", that's a long way away," Rick noted carefully. "Don't you have anyone here in town you'd like to send them to?"
A pause. "You have something against Chicago?" the voice said finally.
"No, not at all," Rick said, making rotating motions with his pen, as if drawing something tight. "I just wondered if there might be someone special that was local to you."
"This lady is plenty special to me," Will said coldly. "Are you sending the flowers or not?"
Instead of answering, Rick covered the mouthpiece for a moment. "Is she on?"
"Yeah," came the answer from somewhere behind him. "Line 2."
"Well, Will," Rick said, relishing the moment, "I've got someone else on the line here who might disagree with that choice."
A long pause from Will. "What are you talking about?"
Rick smiled. God, how I love this part. "It's your girlfriend Christine. Remember? The one you've been dating for the past three months?"
"Yes, I know who she is," the voice said angrily. "What I'm not getting is why you're bringing her into this."
Rick leaned back in his chair. "So you don't think it's unusual to be sending flowers to someone other than your girlfriend? Didn't think she'd find out, did you? Who is it, Will? You got somebody on the side? Little piece of fluff in Chicago you've been seeing on the sly?"
Another long pause, and Rick could almost hear the guy's teeth grinding as he realized he was caught. He bared his own teeth in a savage grin, a shark's grin. Almost time to put the jilted girlfriend on the line. Almost, but not quite. Let's hear him try and explain his way out of this one.
"You're unbelievable, whoever you are," the voice said finally.
"Oh, believe it, baby," Rick said, cheerfully. "Y'see, Will, you're on KLDQ 89.8 FM live, and I'm your host, Rick Delahanty."
"Ah. Knew I recognized that voice from somewhere," Will mused.
"Yeah, too bad you didn't recognize it in time, eh?" Rick gibed. "So tell us, Will: who's your mystery lady?"
"Yes. Well, here's the thing, Rick. You didn't do your homework too well, did you?" Will remarked, dryly. "Irene Bolles is my mother."
Rick sat bolt upright, his pen clattering to the floor. "Your what?" Will's girlfriend Christine, sitting at the nearby microphone and waiting for her chance to talk, had gone white as a sheet.
"My mother," came the reply. "What, you don't understand the word?"
Rick struggled to find words. "But you...she's...okay, if she's your mother, why doesn't she have the same last name as you?"
"She's divorced, you idiot," Will answered. "Took her maiden name back some six years ago, and by the way, thanks for bringing up THAT painful memory as well."
Rick looked at his producer, James, whose shocked expression mirrored his own. What now? he mouthed, but James flipped his hands in an unmistakable gesture: Don't look at me! You get out of this on your own. Desperately, he swung towards Christine, but she'd buried her head in her hands. No help there.
Now Will was talking again. "You really get a charge out of this, don't you, Rick? You like ruining relationships, giving people a reason to distrust each other. No, shut up, I'm going to have my say here. You get off on seeing women cry when they find out their boyfriend wants to send flowers to someone other than them, because they figure the boyfriend's got to be cheating on them. It never occurs to you -- or to them -- that maybe there could be room in the guy's life for more than one special woman."
Rick groped for the mic switch and triggered it. "Now come on, Will, that's not fair. How many guys really have a legitimate reason to send flowers to somebody other than their girlfriend?"
"That's immaterial, you asshole," Will shot back. Rick's eyes widened and he shot a look at James, who was wringing his hands -- no tape delay on live interviews. "The point is that if these women don't trust their boyfriends, then they ought to be talking to them instead of coming to you. Even if the guy does happen to pick them for the flowers, what has that really proven? Not even the most loving people think of their partners all the time."
A pause. "You make me sick. And -- you said Christine was there, right? Christine, if you're listening, and I'll bet you are, don't bother coming over on Wednesday. Actually, don't bother coming over at all, anymore. Or calling. If you didn't trust me, you could have talked about it with me, told me what was bothering you, instead of playing the coward card. Oh, and one more thing -- I never cheated on you. Don't know where you got the idea, but it was the farthest thing from my mind." Click. The line went dead.
Rick sat there for several seconds of dead air before remembering himself. He keyed the mic and said, "Umm.....this is Rick Delahanty, and you're listening to KLDQ, 89.8 FM, your home for the best new sounds in Miami. We'll be back after a message from our sponsors." He clicked the mic off, dropped the headset on the table, and reached for the nearby bottle of Jack Daniels.
"Well, that could have gone a little better," he remarked to no one at all. He poured himself a huge slug and raised the tumbler on high. "Cheers, all you bastards."
(Director's Commentary: I read a story a few days ago about a radio station -- not sure which one -- who pulled this kind of stunt routinely, and it made me so angry I had to write something up. Apparently they "catch" guys with this little "trick" all the time. I wonder how many relationships they've ruined with their meddling? I wonder how many women have used this underhanded tactic to "expose" their lover's deceitfulness? I wonder why none of them bothered to talk with their partner first to see why they were acting differently of late? This sort of thing absolutely infuriates me. Trust is everything. If you don't trust your partner, or partners, then talk to them instead of trying to trap them. If you don't trust them, then there's no reason to keep the relationship going at all.)
-- PB
"Yes, can I speak with Will Tansky?"
"This is."
"Mr. Tansky, this is Rick at Dandelion Wine, a new flower shop in town. We're running a promotion this week in an effort to get the word out about our store, and I'm pleased to tell you that you've been chosen to have a free bouquet of roses sent to the person of your choice. All we need is a name and an address."
"Interesting," the voice remarked. "How did you get this number?"
"Oh, we've been picking them at random from the phone book, Mr. Tansky."
"This is an unlisted number."
"Ah. Well, I, um." Rick floundered for a bit. "I...suppose I'd better come clean with you, sir," he said finally. "A friend of yours was in here last week at our grand opening and they dropped a business card with your number into our drawing. Your card was one of the ones drawn."
"That makes more sense," Will agreed. "So what was it you wanted from me?"
"Well, as I said, sir, we're offering a free bouquet of roses to be sent to the lady of your choice. We just need a name and an address, and we'll get that sent off today...and we hope you'll remember Dandelion Wine for any future flower needs you might have!"
"Hey, who can argue with 'free?' " Will said, and Rick could practically see the grin on his face. "Okay, well, I know one lady who'll be delighted to receive them. Please send them to Irene Bolles, 158 Waveland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60613."
", that's a long way away," Rick noted carefully. "Don't you have anyone here in town you'd like to send them to?"
A pause. "You have something against Chicago?" the voice said finally.
"No, not at all," Rick said, making rotating motions with his pen, as if drawing something tight. "I just wondered if there might be someone special that was local to you."
"This lady is plenty special to me," Will said coldly. "Are you sending the flowers or not?"
Instead of answering, Rick covered the mouthpiece for a moment. "Is she on?"
"Yeah," came the answer from somewhere behind him. "Line 2."
"Well, Will," Rick said, relishing the moment, "I've got someone else on the line here who might disagree with that choice."
A long pause from Will. "What are you talking about?"
Rick smiled. God, how I love this part. "It's your girlfriend Christine. Remember? The one you've been dating for the past three months?"
"Yes, I know who she is," the voice said angrily. "What I'm not getting is why you're bringing her into this."
Rick leaned back in his chair. "So you don't think it's unusual to be sending flowers to someone other than your girlfriend? Didn't think she'd find out, did you? Who is it, Will? You got somebody on the side? Little piece of fluff in Chicago you've been seeing on the sly?"
Another long pause, and Rick could almost hear the guy's teeth grinding as he realized he was caught. He bared his own teeth in a savage grin, a shark's grin. Almost time to put the jilted girlfriend on the line. Almost, but not quite. Let's hear him try and explain his way out of this one.
"You're unbelievable, whoever you are," the voice said finally.
"Oh, believe it, baby," Rick said, cheerfully. "Y'see, Will, you're on KLDQ 89.8 FM live, and I'm your host, Rick Delahanty."
"Ah. Knew I recognized that voice from somewhere," Will mused.
"Yeah, too bad you didn't recognize it in time, eh?" Rick gibed. "So tell us, Will: who's your mystery lady?"
"Yes. Well, here's the thing, Rick. You didn't do your homework too well, did you?" Will remarked, dryly. "Irene Bolles is my mother."
Rick sat bolt upright, his pen clattering to the floor. "Your what?" Will's girlfriend Christine, sitting at the nearby microphone and waiting for her chance to talk, had gone white as a sheet.
"My mother," came the reply. "What, you don't understand the word?"
Rick struggled to find words. "But you...she's...okay, if she's your mother, why doesn't she have the same last name as you?"
"She's divorced, you idiot," Will answered. "Took her maiden name back some six years ago, and by the way, thanks for bringing up THAT painful memory as well."
Rick looked at his producer, James, whose shocked expression mirrored his own. What now? he mouthed, but James flipped his hands in an unmistakable gesture: Don't look at me! You get out of this on your own. Desperately, he swung towards Christine, but she'd buried her head in her hands. No help there.
Now Will was talking again. "You really get a charge out of this, don't you, Rick? You like ruining relationships, giving people a reason to distrust each other. No, shut up, I'm going to have my say here. You get off on seeing women cry when they find out their boyfriend wants to send flowers to someone other than them, because they figure the boyfriend's got to be cheating on them. It never occurs to you -- or to them -- that maybe there could be room in the guy's life for more than one special woman."
Rick groped for the mic switch and triggered it. "Now come on, Will, that's not fair. How many guys really have a legitimate reason to send flowers to somebody other than their girlfriend?"
"That's immaterial, you asshole," Will shot back. Rick's eyes widened and he shot a look at James, who was wringing his hands -- no tape delay on live interviews. "The point is that if these women don't trust their boyfriends, then they ought to be talking to them instead of coming to you. Even if the guy does happen to pick them for the flowers, what has that really proven? Not even the most loving people think of their partners all the time."
A pause. "You make me sick. And -- you said Christine was there, right? Christine, if you're listening, and I'll bet you are, don't bother coming over on Wednesday. Actually, don't bother coming over at all, anymore. Or calling. If you didn't trust me, you could have talked about it with me, told me what was bothering you, instead of playing the coward card. Oh, and one more thing -- I never cheated on you. Don't know where you got the idea, but it was the farthest thing from my mind." Click. The line went dead.
Rick sat there for several seconds of dead air before remembering himself. He keyed the mic and said, "Umm.....this is Rick Delahanty, and you're listening to KLDQ, 89.8 FM, your home for the best new sounds in Miami. We'll be back after a message from our sponsors." He clicked the mic off, dropped the headset on the table, and reached for the nearby bottle of Jack Daniels.
"Well, that could have gone a little better," he remarked to no one at all. He poured himself a huge slug and raised the tumbler on high. "Cheers, all you bastards."
(Director's Commentary: I read a story a few days ago about a radio station -- not sure which one -- who pulled this kind of stunt routinely, and it made me so angry I had to write something up. Apparently they "catch" guys with this little "trick" all the time. I wonder how many relationships they've ruined with their meddling? I wonder how many women have used this underhanded tactic to "expose" their lover's deceitfulness? I wonder why none of them bothered to talk with their partner first to see why they were acting differently of late? This sort of thing absolutely infuriates me. Trust is everything. If you don't trust your partner, or partners, then talk to them instead of trying to trap them. If you don't trust them, then there's no reason to keep the relationship going at all.)
-- PB
Monday, October 4, 2010
Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 10-8-10
(Source image: "Chaotic Art 2" by Kaji)
Your challenge for this Friday, 10-8-10, is to use the photo above to write a flash fiction of 60-90 words. And....let's try this for a required phrase:
"...taking hold..."
As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.
The usual reminders apply: if you're planning on joining in the fun, please email me (insatiabear (AT) gmail [DOT] com) or leave a comment here. And please, for the love of all that's holy, include a website address if you email me, or if your commenting profile doesn't have a link to your page. It makes things a whole hell of a lot easier for me, and I'm sure you all want to do that, right? Right. If you don't let me know you're playing, or don't tell me where you can be found, I'll have to leave you off the list of participants when I post it on Friday. And nobody wants that.
Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.
Check back here on Friday for my take on the challenge and the list of participants, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.
-- PB
eLust #20
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~ This Week’s Top Three Posts ~
On Making Sex Last: Cheerleading & Open Relationships - as long as the possession stuff can be fun and consensual, and not interfering with each other’s sovereignty, I think the two—cheerleading and possession—aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.
Owned - I had almost forgotten that while here, with him, I was HIS plaything. I was OWNED by him. We had discussed this. I knew the rules. I must not forget again.
The sheer indecency of what we are doing - Is he looking for what I’m looking for? Surely so—all men want that, don’t they? A flaming succubus that comes only in the dark to bring unworldly pleasures and leave behind strange lingering dreams that spice their dutiful daytime lives.
~ Featured Post (Lilly’s Pick) ~
Stop Hating on Campus Sex Education - Clearly, there is a need for this education, because if it doesn’t come from sexuality educators, it comes from word of mouth (which can often provide incorrect information), or from the internet, or from trial and error.
~ e[lust] Editress ~
Is it Really "Strange" Sex?
See also: Pleasurists #96 and #97 for all your sex toy review needs.
Kink & Fetish
A teabreak tawsing
Blow job
Caribbean Screw
His evil twin
My adventure in subbing continues
My Big Pink Robot
Play Party!
Sisters unite for the MFW, part 2
The one with the Violet Wand
Turning Lemons into Lemonade
Wanton Wednesday: Bitten
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Cunning Linguists Are We: Cunnilingus 101
Crushing Swingerphobia by Hitting the Club
Coming Out & Invisible Illness
Hold Up Stockings
My First Grue in Review
NSE – New Swinger Energy
Relationships and Emotions
Sadie's Thoughts on Cheating. Confession #507
Three’s Company, Too – Dreaming of the Multi-Relationship Home
The Sisterhood
Thoughts on bisexuality and visibility
When I'm Done With Crying...
Why Lie, Why Cheat?
Erotic Writing
A Raise
Any Idea?
Building the Anticipation
Coming Back to Me
Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Objects
"Enslaved The Story of Jen" Chapter 13
Fantasy: Waking Up
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I Give Good Head
Lipstick Kisses
Like Mother, Like Daughter
My first little girly night
One Night With NSVG
Oh, What a Night!
Something in the Air
sacks, part one
The Quick Ebony Fux
up lateish
Friday, October 1, 2010
Flash Fiction Friday 10-1-10: "Rumblin' Train"
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Flash Fiction Friday,
walk on the wild side
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