Friday, March 5, 2010

Flash Fiction Friday: Wood Nymph

He had taken it for a tree, and had even wondered why a tree's branches would be cradling a water jug so protectively. So he was shocked right out of his boots when he got a little closer and suddenly it wasn't a tree at all, but a beautiful woman with long brown hair, holding the jug loosely in her arms.

"And who are you?" she asked softly, her voice a soft wind whispering through leaves.

"Your humble servant, milady," he replied, knowing instinctively it was the only reply he dared make.

"Very good," she said. She held up the water jug. "You can come here and water me. I get so parched in these summer months."

Trembling, he approached and took the jug from her, upending it. A torrent of clear, cool water splashed out, onto her upturned face, running through her hair and cascading over her breasts. Her clothing, already insubstantial, melted away as he poured, till she stood gloriously naked before his gaze. Still he poured from hands gone very shaky suddenly, directing the stream over and around her, down sinewy shoulders, over her taut back muscles, across the firm globes of her buttocks. She shifted and sighed pleasurably under the water's stream.

Finally the jug was empty. She stood there, toes buried deeply in the earth, arms stretched high. The water was crystal beads on her nut-brown skin. She turned to regard him, and her arms went around him with a strength he wouldn't have believed.

"Now," she purred, her voice low and pleased, "how can I reward my servant?"

She raised her mouth to his, and his head spun, but his body responded, and his clothes melted away as well, and the two of them entwined there in the glade, sunlight drifting around them, the woodland sounds a soft susurrus of approval. 

(Spanky, the erstwhile host of Flash Fiction Friday, is still AWOL and I'm thinking we aren't going to see him around any more. So I'm hosting Flash Fiction Friday for the immediate future. Your challenge this week was to write up 100-250 words using the above photo. If you're playing this week, email me or leave a comment here to let me know and I'll add you to the list.
The following folks joined in this week. Go check their tales out. 
Check back on Monday for a new photo and a new challenge!)

-- PB


  1. Romantic and sensual... lovely. :-)

  2. Temptress: She just seemed very much like a wood nymph to me, you know? I'm glad it spoke to you enough to have you join in. I've been collecting interesting photos and hope to have some good ones up over the next few weeks. Spread the word -- FFF is back in business with a new host!

    -- PB

  3. oooh Panser...that was stunning in it's simple beauty...a stage set and ready for....

    ps...glad you're hosting! Luna, sephi have been doing it for awhile now, and nilla did try (don't ask!)...

    Great photo this week. I'll look forward to next weeks....


  4. Nilla: I'm glad you liked this one! I'll be hosting for the foreseeable future, so keep an eye on the EFF site for new challenges!

    -- PB

  5. are you hosting this coming weeks as well? I've been out of the game due to wallowing in self pity but I think I need to jump back in :)

  6. I'm in total agreement with everyone else - gorgeously soft, sexy and sensual...

  7. Seph: Well, you've got a certain amunt of justification for it. I can't believe the squalor you're having to deal with. But yes, I'll be hosting this upcoming week, and the next....until I get tired of it. Which should not be for some time. :)

    Minx: I'm delighted it was to your taste! Thanks so much for saying so.

    -- PB

  8. I'm late getting 'round...but they're still just as good.

    And yippee for a fresh meat host! I already put up the word on the dark side. :)

  9. Luna: We aim to please here at PB Central. :) I hope you like the photos I've got lined up for the next couple weeks. Your DI has already suggested one of his own, which I may use eventually.

    -- PB

  10. cheers Panser :) I look forward to seeing this weeks picture and jumping back in the FF pool!


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB