Monday, March 15, 2010

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 3-19-10

After the light-hearted silliness of last week, I thought it was time for something a bit darker. Your challenge for this Friday, 3-19-10, is to use the photo above to write a flash fiction of no less than 100 and no more than 300 words. As usual, nobody's checking word counts, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

As always, if you're planning on joining in the fun, please email me (insatiabear (AT) gmail [DOT] com) or leave a comment here. I am out of town this week and will not be around to collect the participant list until after the 19th, but on Monday the 22nd when I post next week's challenge, I'll be providing a list of the participants from Friday the 19th, so you'll get your contribution acknowledged, no fear.

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that.

Check back here on Friday for my take on the challenge (yes, I've got one written and scheduled), and then again on Monday the 22nd for the list of participants and their contributions, plus the next FFF challenge!

-- PB


  1. Wow, hawt photo, Panser!! I'm in! (and, braggart that i am, it's done!)

    Hope week away is for some fun as well as work...


  2. Hey Panser...

    snow is playing this week too! A brutal pic, but then...why not?


  3. Hi PB, got a request to ask.
    I've got a mate who bugs me for links for good erotica and you instantly sprang to mind. Thing is there are specific posts that I want to lead them to but you're nearing 300 soon and wondered if you could put a tag cloud on the side of your blog, so your fiction tales can be located via category...

  4. I've written my post, and will put it up on Friday ;)

    xx Dee

  5. I will put my post up on Friday too :)

  6. I'm late to the game but what's new :P making a fashionably late entrance is what I tell myself! My brain is already spinning towards the darkest corners....

  7. wow. that's an intense photo. can't wait to read the results!

  8. Nilla: It was indeed for fun and games besides just work. Thanks for joining in.

    Snow: I do try to keep things interesting by mixing it up. Thanks for playing and I'll add you to the list of players when I post Monday.

    Mystique: It's been on a list of things to do; the problem is, I don't usually think of or tags or types to categorize my entries by, so it would take me a long time to come up with tags for each entry. Still, I know a few other people have asked for something like that so it'll show up here...eventually. :)

    Dee: Thanks for playing! I'll add you to the list of participants when I post the next challenge Monday.

    Spring Flower: Thanks for joining in! I'll add you to the list as well.

    Sephie: I figured it might. :)

    Frances: I hope you liked the results from me and the others!

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB