Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Group Post: "The Day...."

He would never forget that day, not if he lived to be a thousand. It was graven in his mind as deeply as words chiseled into granite tablets. Wind and sand and water might blow but the words, the images, were proof against time, never to be forgotten. Ozymandias only wished he had been that memorable.

That day....

....he had come home from work early, but hadn't called her. She was always so good at surprising him; he wanted to see if he could manage the same. He'd even stopped by her favorite Thai place on the way home to grab some for her.

That day....

....he'd entered the house, finding it strangely quiet and still. Hell of a contrast to her normal demeanor around the place -- singing lustily, slamming pots and dishes around in the kitchen, screaming imprecations at the TV as she was frustrated by a game she was playing. He turned in a slow circle, trying to figure out where she was without calling out to her and giving the game away.

That day....

....he'd heard faint sounds emanating from upstairs, and smiled. She must be in bed having some solo fun. Discarding his jacket, he'd picked up the Thai takeout box and crept upstairs, silent as a cat with sound-damping pads on its paws.

That day....

....he'd padded slowly down the hallway, her soft moans and rustling sounds drifting under the closed door of their bedroom. Had grinned even more broadly as he imagined the scenario: she was probably watching some porn on the TV, propped up on pillows, fucking herself with her favorite Njoy wand.

Hang about. Closed bedroom door?

They never closed the bedroom door -- why bother to, when there are only two people living in the house?

That day....

....he'd pushed open the door, brow furrowing in puzzlement, and frozen in shock as he beheld the tableau: the love of his life, propped up on pillows just as he'd imagined; porn on the TV, just as he'd imagined; her Njoy wand plunging in and out of her cunt, just as he'd imagined.

But what he hadn't imagined was that the hand manipulating the Njoy wasn't hers. It was a slim, strong, hairy hand, attached to a slim, strong, hairy arm, in its turn attached to a slim, hairy male body. A nude male body, well-shaped, well-toned. He got a confused impression of a mop of dark hair before the head dipped to begin licking his wife's very obviously soaked pussy. She moaned louder and her hand twined through the interloper's hair.

Always good at surprising me, he thought fleetingly. Never like this, though.

He cleared his throat and was gratified at the immediate response: she shrieked, but not with pleasure. The guy skittered, crablike, across the bed and stood in a kind of bent-over crouch, arms shielding his groin, instinctively protecting that which meant the most. She looked terrified, and pulled out the Njoy with a wet pop, attempting furtively to hide it behind her. He smiled grimly.

"Honey," she rasped, then tried again. "Honey. This, this isn't what it looks like. He's. He's, um, a friend, and he, and he....uhhhhh....why the hell are you laughing?"

Indeed he was laughing, silently shaking with it, rocking back and forth as gales of mirth blasted through him. The Thai takeout dropped to the carpet, forgotten, and he laced both hands over his belly, trying to contain his laughter. He threw back his head and roared out his amusement, echoes reverberating, mixing with the groans and moans of the porn still playing on the TV. He noted with even more amusement that both of them were exchanging glances, no doubt wondering if the shock had driven him out of his mind.

Finally he ran dry and choked and spluttered to a halt. "Babe," he chided her, still snickering, "there are better ways you could have told me you wanted to open up our marriage."

A dawning hope replaced terror and bewilderment in her eyes. " mean you...." she wanted to know, but couldn't continue.

"Did you want me to join in this time? Or would you two rather finish up while I go have dinner?"

"Um." She still had a slightly stunned look on her face, but rallied swiftly: "Um, why don't you watch for a while?"

"Suits me," he nodded. And motioned towards the other guy, who was now regarding him with a strange mixture of respect and fear. "You planning on introducing me?"

"Um." She seemed to hunt for words, then: "Er, hon, this is, um, this is Stephen."

"Good to meet you, Stephen," he said, sitting down in a chair and stretching his legs nonchalantly in front of him. "Well? Keep going, don't mind me."

-- PB

(The Group Post is hosted by Kimberly, the Errant Wife. If you liked this, why not see how these other folks took and ran with the theme of "The Day..."?)

Petal --
Kink Chronicles --
Ms Scarlett
FG Sakes
They Belong To Us
and our host, Kimberly --


  1. OMG PB you outdid yourself! I cringed, i laughed I clapped my hands!

  2. Fantasia: Thanks! I wrote this in only about half an hour and for once I was happy with it from start to finish without any rewrites. That's rare for me. Glad you liked it.

    -- PB

  3. Wow - I too was feeling the pit of my stomach drop out on this one - WHAT A SURPRISE!! Great ob mister!!!

  4. Southerngirl: Originally I had planned to make this a very bitter, unpleasant entry and have him remembering the day his marriage essentially ended. But suddenly I saw it another way and was positively delighted with myself. All things considered I much prefer this outcome. :)

    -- PB

  5. This was perfect!! You are so damn talented, I laughed out loud while I read this. :)

  6. Gray: Excellent, that's the sort of reaction I was hoping for. This isn't your standard erotica piece. :)

    -- PB

  7. Love it! well written with a delicious twist on the end!

  8. Petal: I'm happy it was to your taste! Always happy to hear from you.

    -- PB

  9. Love the surprise twist! Awesome work PB!!


  10. Scarlett: I still have no idea why I suddenly saw this situation another way and decided to give it a happy ending, but I definitely prefer it this way. Thanks!

    -- PB

  11. I like happy endings :)

    Now she can't really say much if hubby plays too on his own, can't she?

  12. Spring Flower: Yes indeed! Happy endings for all concerned. Wish everything was that simple in real life, eh?

    -- PB

  13. KUDOS PB!!

    I was all set to feel terribly sad for the poor fellow.. when you turned it all around.

    A very pleasant surprise.. For everyone!


  14. Jen: Glad you liked it! Yeah, I almost gave it a sad ending but I decided I'd rather go with the happy result. Thanks for dropping by!

    -- PB

  15. I was not expecting that twist. I loved it!

  16. Aurore: Excellent! I do hate tales that completely telegraph the sneaky bits. If you didn't see it coming here, then I hit my mark. Happy you enjoyed it.

    -- PB

  17. Riff: So many surprises or twists are telegraphed a mile away. This one seemed to catch most people off guard, which is what I was aiming for. Glad you liked it.

    -- PB

  18. I do prefer this outcome ... makes him seem so "cool" and very 007. hehehee...

    Come on over and read my last post and then let me know if you are interested in doing something like that with me? (Oh such a tease...)

    (was thinking of doing a small series called Txting and have invited my fav guys to play)

  19. way in hell I could have been that cool about it. Glad you joined the group my dear...

  20. That was one hell of a reveal! Great job!

  21. Fantasia: I'm thinking it over! I'll let you know if I decide to play.

    Duchess: I think most people would probably NOT react this way, but then, that's what fantasies are for, isn't it? :) And I appreciate the thanks, but I've been joining in the Group Post since November. Well, except December, when Kimberly left me off the email list by mistake.

    Topaz: To my delight, everyone seems to be loving it so far. I'm glad you're among those! Thanks for saying so.

    -- PB

  22. Well don't let me twist your arm .... not sure if I should be offended here! *grin*

  23. Fantasia: You shouldn't be. I'm just very very picky about my writings and have a control-freak mentality about much of what I do. Not very good with collaborations for that reason -- the one I did with you a while back was just a single piece without back-and-forth integration.

    -- PB

  24. Just teasing PB my ego isn't that frail! I may not have your following but I still know I'm darn good at this! *Cheshire cat smile*

    Well I have two going on now (smokedawg and Lexi Silver) so ...take your time deciding. This is the beginning of a series so - let me know if you want to be a part of it. I have a artist friend (does animations, comics etc.) that has agreed to do a "cover" art for each story once the whole thing is finished - I don't know how many I'm going for but we shall see where this goes first!

    ! should be an awesome project when all is said and done.


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB