Monday, December 28, 2009

Microfantasy Monday #60: "Surprises"

"Oh god, oh fuck, don't stop, oh my fucking god yes, so good, so good, ohh yeah........"

She was making much more noise than usual, I thought, relishing the way she was thrashing about, hips pumping hard against my invading tongue, head rolling back and forth, breasts heaving, moaning uncontrollably. I'd been slurping away at her delicious pussy for a good half hour and she'd come twice already, but that wasn't anywhere near good enough for me. I inserted a pair of fingers into her sopping slit and crooked them in the "come hither" which always made her come, hither -- pressing on her little G with gentle but relentless pressure. Simultaneously I took her clit between my lips and flicked it side to side with my tongue -- once, twice, a third time.

She tensed all over and a banshee wail escaped her. And something else, too. In seconds, I was positively covered by a warm splash of fluids, producing only a startled "glug!" as she came so hard she squirted all over me. I'd seen videos of the phenomenon before, but she'd never demonstrated this particular talent to me. She was sure as hell demonstrating it now, though; her juices had gushed all over my face, my hair, my ears....hell, I couldn't have gotten any wetter if I'd poked my head all the way inside her.

Delighted, I raised my dripping head to see her crimson from head to navel, flushed with her exertions and perhaps a bit of embarrassment. She seemed about to say something -- an apology?  a thank you? -- but I forestalled any comments by very deliberately licking my lips, then rubbing her wetness from my face all over my throat, chest, arms, and anywhere else that wasn't already wet.

"Ready for round four?" I inquired softly, and was rewarded with a dazzling smile....

(Microfantasy Monday is the brainchild of Ang, the Sweltering Celt. She exhorted us this week to write about surprises; here's my contribution. If you want to play too, go see Ang, by all means.)

-- PB


  1. Oh hell, PB, you did us squirters proud! :) That is one hot, WET story!

  2. Now THAT was a nice "surprise" and as PandaDementia said above, Yes, you did us squirters proud!

  3. Panda: I've always wanted to have some fun with a squirter. My GF isn't the type, I'm afraid. I'm glad this rings true to those of you who do have the knack. :)

    Poppet: Excellent. I do try to provide accurate representations in my tales but (having had no experience with squirters myself) I had to fake it. Glad it works well for you. :)

    -- PB

  4. seems a lot of guys are fascinated with squirters these days. d's convinced he can make me do it. hmm...just might be a fun trick to learn...

  5. Spring Flower: I'm glad you found it so! Thanks.

    Frances: Don't know that I'd say "fascinated", exactly; but this is what came to mind when I thought of surprises. I don't know, maybe I do have a fascination. :)

    -- PB

  6. Gray: Hooray! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for saying so!

    -- PB

  7. Lordy.. if I smoked, I'd need a cigarette after reading that! wow..

  8. Wow, what a surprise - an unexpected face-full :)

    Haven't experienced it either, but I was threatened a time or two.

  9. Oh, you're a good man! And topped off with the sexiest four words a woman could ever hear...

  10. Hopelessly: I'm not a smoker either but I can definitely sympathize. :) Thanks!

    PapaTom: Haha, "threatened"? You make it sound almost like a bad thing. :) Thanks for dropping by!

    Minx: I do love saying those words, I just wish I could find more women who wanted to hear them. :)

    -- PB

  11. I've been the recipient of that kind of face full before, and that 'glug' rang true for me.. wow. Well done.

  12. Kyle: Oh, good. I'm glad to hear it was accurate from the male point of view too. Thanks for dropping by!

    -- PB


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-- PB