Friday, December 4, 2009

Flash Fiction Friday: "Constriction"

He'd left in high dudgeon, slamming out the door with an angry, “Well, I can't very well fit you into my fucking suitcase, can I?” And she knew he was right; she'd just have to wait till he returned. But she dreamed....picturing the total blackness, the stabbing pains in her constricted limbs, the agony of uncertainty, the utter, grinding, crushing helplessness. And felt a delicious spear of excitement impale her at the thought.

Next time, she thought. Besides, once I pop out and get my mouth around his cock, he wouldn't be mad.

Would he?

(This is my contribution for Flash Fiction Friday, hosted this week by the always-enchanting Luna Mauvaise. Luna's directive was to write 96 words exactly on the picture shown above. If you want to play too, why not stop by her place and see her?)

-- PB


  1. Heh heh, cute. And thank you for adding a new word to my vocabulary - dudgeon.

  2. Temptress: You're welcome! I aim to please. Well, where you're concerned, anyway. ;) Glad you liked it.

    -- PB

  3. I think I would fit & I'd enjoy the crushing helplessness. Where are we going? ;)

  4. Spring Flower: She apparently would enjoy it too! You're in good company.

    Where are we going? Anywhere you like, luv. ;)

    -- PB

  5. Well I JUST got back from vacation and ... this was perfect!

  6. I love it! It is a nice alternate take on mine I think.

    Many thanks for kicking in this week!


  7. Fantasia: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Welcome back! We missed you. :)

    Luna: Thanks so much; I'm always happy when my writings please you. And thanks for hosting this week!

    -- PB

  8. Did you now ... miss me? bet you say that to all the ladies!

  9. Fantasia: I said WE missed you. You have many fans, you know. :)

    -- PB

  10. *sounds of clapping* oh, well done! and I too love the use of the word dudgeon...not used often enough these days and so evocative of high hot emotion...nice scene setting Panser! Love it...happy FFF!



  11. Nilla: I do like to use infrequently-used words and phrases sometimes. Just call me the obscure lexicographer. :) Glad you liked it!

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB