Friday, December 18, 2009

Flash Fiction Friday #17: Vanishing Point

She'd never been nude in a car before, and certainly not while driving. But protesting got her nowhere, not when he told her to stand up and display herself, and certainly not when the darkness came down over her vision. She shrieked, but his steadying arms were immediately around her, one on the wheel, the other on her flank.

Let go,” he whispered, words barely audible over the roar of windblast, and with a shuddering sigh she did just that. Excitement stirred between her thighs as they boomed down the road into the great unknown.

(Flash Fiction Friday is normally hosted by Spanky but he's taking some time off from blogging, so the always-enchanting Luna Mauvaise has provided this week's photo and word length requirement: 69 words on the photo shown above. Luna would no doubt be pleased to know this is the first time I've broken the rules, and the word length requirement, choosing instead to reverse it and go with 96 words. Go visit her to see who else is playing!)


  1. Ooo now that is something I need to try, excellent post.:)

  2. Gray: You'd better really trust the guy, then! I'm not sure *I* trust anyone enough to let them blindfold me while I'm driving. :) Glad you liked this one, though.

    -- PB

  3. You are a naughty, naughty boy PB! I love it.

    Thanks for playing!

  4. Luna: Heh. I figured you would be amused. I enjoyed your contribution too, which I forgot to mention earlier when telling you about this entry. Sorry about that!

    -- PB

  5. Oh damn, this is kinda hot! For me, anything dangerous is hot ;-)

  6. Spring Flower: Yeah, I kinda got that impression from you. Want to go for a run with the top down....and your top down? :)

    -- PB

  7. I love all the sensations... Very nice!

  8. KayLynn: Glad you liked it! Thanks for dropping by.

    -- PB

  9. Oh, yum! Domination and exhibitionism in 96 words - bravo PB...

  10. Minx: I normally stick very closely to the "pure" word requirements but this one just wouldn't do in 69 words. So I pushed it a a bit. I'm glad you enjoyed this one!

    -- PB

  11. I have to admit, I like the danger aspect. With the right person, could be unforgettable. :-)


  12. CW: Aren't you lucky that you've got the right person, then? :) I wonder if your Surfer would go for this sort of thing. Guess you can always ask him and find out. Thanks for dropping in!

    -- PB

  13. It's like ... that cheesy scene from titanic but WAY better!! Nice!

  14. oh ... and I hope you'll come and play on pillow talk!

  15. Fantasia: Glad you liked it! And yes, I'll be sure to provide my own take on the Solstice thing; it sounds interesting. Already turning over some ideas.

    -- PB

  16. Love danager and excitement of the unknown. Great story!

  17. Katia: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! Drop by anytime.

    -- PB

  18. I do love how you write my friend ...

  19. Fantasia: Thanks! I'm glad it was to your liking...and I'm happy you usually do like what I provide. :)

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB