Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Texts From Last Night

Also found in my wanderings today: Texts From Last Night. These are the text messages you wish you hadn't sent last night. Or sent and then realized you needed to share them with someone else.

I can't stop looking away from this site. It's like watching a horrible train wreck. Some of my favorites so far:

(407): i went to disney world today with my friends, met snow white, then saw her later at a bar. she is naked next to me in her bed, passed out. when you wish upon a star...

(214): Sex on bubble wrap = best decision ever.

(519): and then she said I drew a line on her forehead with my cum and whispered "Simba"   (PB note: I snorted my drink through my nose after reading this one).

(510): he said he didn't have a condom.
(415): and you said?
(510): that that's fine cause i was ready to be a mom. yeah - he magically had a condom he forgot about after that.

(901): guy in the car over is getting some terrible road head. he just gave me a thumbs down when he noticed i was watching

(312): I remember going home with 2 girls. Woke up with 4.

(919): so I was just driving high and I stopped to let a pinecone cross the road because I thought it was a hedgehog.

Enjoy, folks. 

-- PB


  1. Oh.

    I'm trying so hard not to laugh! That Simba one is killing me! So is the pinecone! Gosh, thank you for turning me on to this site!

  2. Topaz: You're welcome! Ditto on the Simba one, which is still my favorite. Good lord, what that girl must have thought....

    -- PB

  3. One of my favorites sites!! Nearly as good as www.peopleofwalmart.com for sheer train-wreck quality...

  4. I love the ready to be a mom one....will have to file that one away for *that* opportune moment! too funny

  5. I love this site and just sent it to 3 of my friends. My favorite?

    (803): When i woke up this morning she asked me "when did you first find out that you could see the future." I gotta stop drinking.

    LMAO, and a wee bit of Deja Vu.

    Thanks PB!

  6. Texts From Last Night is one of my FAVORITE sites.

    Another hysterical one is emailsfromcrazypeople.com. However, you have to commit a little more time to the comedy process because, well, texts only have 160 characters to be funny. Emails can go on for weeks.

  7. Too damn funny. Train wreck - good analogy! That Simba one...oh my!

  8. Scarlett: I used to have a friend who worked at Wally World for many years (he's escaped now, thankfully). Will have to check that site out too!

    Petal: Yeah, I imagine that kind of comment would magically cause a "lost" condom to materialize from nowhere, all right.

    CW: Oh, good, I'm glad you liked it so well.

    Dharma: How had I never heard about this site before now? I mean, I follow a LOT of weird sites.

    Southerngirl: The Simba one STILL makes me go *sporfle* when I think about it.

    -- PB

  9. My favorite is def the 'I'm ready to be a mom' one. HAHAHAHA~! Bet he wasn't expecting that one ;)

  10. OMG, thanks for turning me on to that site! A perfect way to start each day...


  11. Vixen: I'll bet the guy damn near had a heart attack after that, actually. Sounds like a fantastic response.

    Jade: You're quite welcome! Drop in anytime. :)

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB