Friday, November 20, 2009

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge #13: "A Domme's Work is Never Done"

She sat down slowly, aching muscles creaking, joints pleasantly warm and loose. She stretched lazily and her breasts pulled tight, spilling out of the corset. It had been a good couple of sessions. Images drifted slowly across her brainspace, sending evil tingles through her. No matter how hard she came when disciplining her disciples, there always seemed to be room for more later on, when she was remembering.....

As she was now. In her mind's eye she saw the flickering crack of the lash across his back, painting precise patterns over his flesh, a study in crimson. Saw the arch of his body, not cringing to escape the next blow, but rising high to meet it. Saw him throw his head back, a soundless cry ringing voicelessly from lips gone red and puffy with lust. Saw her own hand tightening around the handle of the flogger, then pausing to determine where best to place the next blow. Saw him writhing from side to side, tantalizing glimpses of his hard cock twitching and jerking as he fought to keep from spraying his excitement everywhere.

It really was an art, she thought, pulling herself free of the dreamhaze and returning reluctantly to the present. The wetness running down her thighs cried for more action, and her hand went between legs and began stroking, slowly, slowly, building the fire...

“Mistress?” A hesitant voice from the doorway. She snapped alert, her hand going instantly to the flogger at her belt. He never learned.....

(This is my entry for Flash Fiction Friday Challenge #13: 250 words on the photo shown above. FFF is usually hosted by Spanky, but he's taking some time off so the lovely Sephani Paige has stepped in to host this week. Want to play too? Then stop by and check out the guidelines.)

-- PB


  1. All work and play too! I like this one, PB...happy FFF!

  2. Mmmm... let me crack that whip! ;-)

  3. Luna: I figured it would be to your taste, though you tend to be on the other side of things usually. :)

    Flower: Crack it, baby! Make him jump and scream. In more ways than one. :)

    MinorityReport: Thanks! I appreciate you saying so. Drop by any time!

    -- PB

  4. "...not cringing to escape the next blow, but rising high to meet it."

    Exactly - what a smoldering picture that paints...


  5. Southerngirl: I hope it was a picture that was to your liking. :) As always, thanks for stopping by!

    -- PB

  6. You have quite a talent for these. Very evocative.

  7. Temptress: Thank you ever so much! Glad to hear it was to your taste. Hope you are still recovering well and speedily!

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB