Friday, November 6, 2009

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge #11: "Antici......................pation"

 She had never been so completely alive. Blindfolded, collared, chained, bound with silken ropes, she nevertheless could picture the scene intimately. Her senses had expanded far beyond anything she'd ever tasted – the air currents dancing over her superheated skin; the flickering light from the dancing candleflames arrayed all about her; the trickles of wetness running down her thighs.

The step of a watcher. They stopped in the doorway, drinking in the sight. She writhed sensuously, helpless to stop the flood of crashing sensations. “Please......” she begged, and knew not what for.

“No,” he replied. “At least....not yet.” 

(This is my entry for Spanky and Tiggs's Flash Fiction Friday Challenge #11: 100 words on the photo shown above. Want to play too? Then stop by and check out the guidelines.)

-- PB


  1. Oh, I loved this...shivered in delight at the voice from the doorway...the scrape of a shoe, senses portrayed that beautifully!


  2. Nilla: Thanks! Your own was quite nice as well. Thanks for dropping by!

    -- PB

  3. Wow, please indeed.. such a lovely scene. I always enjoy your FFF posts.

  4. Gray: Thanks! That's really nice to hear and I appreciate it.

    You should join in the fun! :)

    -- PB

  5. I loved the comment of her begging, and not knowing what for. Very nice, great story.


  6. Katia: Thanks for saying so! I'm glad you enjoyed it. That was one of my favorite bits of the ficlet too. :)

    -- PB

  7. Mmmmmm please tie me up and blindfold me!!!

    You should continue that story in another post ;-)

  8. Library Vixen: Thanks for saying so! And for dropping by, too. Hope your tech issues are sorting themselves out.

    Flower: You like that sort of thing, do you? Hmmm....I'll see what I can come up with. :)

    -- PB

  9. I love this. The mental image to accompany your words is delicious...

  10. Southerngirl: Excellent. I'm glad it catches your fancy as well. Thanks for dropping in!

    -- PB

  11. Oh, goodness! Yet another spine tingling flash. Very erotic, with a lovely enticing ending! A great flash. :)

  12. Angelika: Thanks so much for saying so! Nice of you to drop by.

    -- PB

  13. "...air currents dancing over superheated skin..."

    I can feel the gooseflesh. Lovely evocative words you've chosen. Happy FFF!

  14. Luna: Why, thank you (as always) for the comments. Happy FFF to you as well.

    -- PB

  15. of course the writing is hot, but you pulled me in with the title that references my favorite movie. :-) THanks Dr. Frank N. Furter. ;-)

  16. Frances: Believe it or not, I never cared much for that film. I do think that particular bit is brilliant, though. Glad you liked the fictionlet.

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB