Monday, October 19, 2009

Uniquely Erotic

Why do you torment me so? Why do you dance in and out of my reveries, my fantasies? Why are you so damned hot?

the blaze of your gaze, the toss of your wink, the flip of your ponytail. The curve of your hip, line of your shoulder, tip of your nose, the points of your nipples, the curve of your wicked grin. The pink orchid between your legs, already glistening with dew in the morning.

the salt-sweat taste of your skin, the spicy sweetness of your cunt, the hint-of-strawberry taste of your mouth.

the musky-sweet aroma that's all your own. The scent of your arousal, filling my head with light, making my blood burn and my cock twitch. The clean fresh tang of your sweat as you balance atop me, working hard.

the tingling electricity that shoots up my spine when we touch. The heat of your body, so hot, so hot... it's a wonder there isn't steam drifting from your pores. The creamy smoothness of your skin. The distinctive hard ridges of your spine, your hipbones, your collarbone. The soft globes of your tits, capped with nipples tight and hard with excitement. The slipperiness of your girl gloss running down your legs.The slickness of your sweat-covered skin as you slide atop, around, over me.

the soft sighs and moans you make, the little squeaks of surprise when I invade you, the growling purr as your lust rises, the screaming shrieks of ecstasy, the filthy words spilling from your lips as you urge me on: "Fuck me, spank me, treat me like your plaything. Take me, use me, do me deep and hard. Harder. I said harder, goddammit!" 

the complete package, sight / taste / scent / touch / sound melding and mingling, producing something that is uniquely Woman, uniquely arousing, uniquely incredibly you.

Come a little closer.....I want to savor you some more.

-- PB


  1. Oh that is hot and wonderfully romantic all in one. I loved it!!

    When I read come a little closer ... I inched up my seat!

  2. Fantasia: Ah, good. Must have hit the mark, then. :)

    -- PB

  3. CW: Thanks! I'm glad it's to your taste. :)

    -- PB

  4. Wow, this struck a cord...

    I hope "whoever this is for" (if you had someone in mind) knows all that you find hot about her! And make sure to remind her from time to time... women love to know these things. (well, I know I do!)

    Man, you're hot! ;-)

  5. Spring Flower: I'll never tell who it was for. ;)

    I am of the firm opinion that one can never tell a woman too much how hot or sexy or beautiful or sweet she is. And take the opportunity to do so every chance I get.

    -- PB

  6. Wow. It brought tears to my eyes. It has been a very long time since I've heard this sort of sentiment from a man for whom I returned the same intensity. How lucky for you to have found it...and how lucky for us to get to read about it.

  7. Nice, but still naughty here and there. Lovely post, PB. Just lovely.

  8. Elizabeth: Thanks for saying so! Appreciate your stopping by.

    Luna: Oh, you know me...a little naughty, a little nice...a little MORE naughty. :)

    -- PB

  9. You are correct you can never tell a woman often enough that she is sexy and hot ...

    Hit the mark ... oh yes, slick, moist and ready.

  10. I do have to say I adore reading your posts, you always know how to hit your mark! Bravo as always! :)

  11. Fantasia: Good, I do love it when the shaft flies true and strikes home. Ummmmm........

    B.: I'm glad the mark struck home for you as well! Thanks for saying so.

    -- PB

  12. Yeah, it hit my mark too...whew!

  13. WGB: Excellent. I'm glad it was to your liking as well. Thanks for stopping by!

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB