Friday, October 23, 2009

Flash Fiction Friday #9: Private Session

She lay full length on the dais, artfully displayed, bronzed skin glistening under soft white light. Her breasts were thrust skyward and her hand worked restlessly, continuously, between her legs.

Exasperation shattered the stillness. “Dammit, woman, I said hold still. This portrait is going to take eons if you don't stop moving around.”

“Oh, god, please, just one?” she pleaded.

He shook his head. “Go ahead, then, if you absolutely have to.”

Beaming, she yanked her knickers down, tossing them aside with unseemly haste, and began a rapid rise towards a crest that wasn't very far away...

(This is my entry for Spanky and Tiggs's Flash Fiction Friday Challenge #9: 100 words on the photo shown above. Want to play too? Then stop by and check out the guidelines.) 

-- PB


  1. Oh yes, just one. Now I want my picture taken.;)

  2. Gray: I'd be delighted to take it any time you like. :) I actually envisioned him as a painter, though. Must not have done a very good job with the word choice.

    Still, thanks for dropping by!

    -- PB

  3. I loved the story! Funny, I almost went with the photographer thing, too.


  4. Katia: That's two people that thought he was a photographer. I should have said "painting" instead of "portrait". Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway.

    -- PB

  5. I was sure it was a painting that was being done, although both equally work. Lovely words! Happy FFF!!!

  6. So nice of you to let her have a go! ;->

  7. Love how creative you get with the short word count!

  8. B.: Oh, good, I'm glad it was clear enough to you. Also glad you liked the tale.

    WGB: Oh, of course. I am nothing if not benevolent. :)

    Fantasia: That's the main reason I do these FFFs -- the strictures of the word count require me to hew to the bone with my phrasing. The hopeful titillation is just a side benefit. :)

    -- PB

  9. I do love a skilled artist. ;) Lovely contribution, PB!


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB