Tuesday, October 13, 2009



".....the fuck?" I mutter, coming awake with a start. My mind is still smeary, muzzy with sleep. I blink at the accusing glow of the bedside clock: 4:47 AM. The blackness outside is thick, oppressive, but I can see shadows and shapes shifting even through the drawn blinds. And noise, plenty of noise....ah, that's it. It's raining.

'Raining' is a rather dramatic understatement, I discover as I slide out of bed and lift the blinds. I can't even see through the screen, it's so bleared with water and wind. I can faintly see the shapes of the trees waving about, but that's really all I can discern.

Not good enough. I have this thing about storms, you see. I don't know what it is, but something about them, something deep and primal, speaks to a buried part of me. They always make my heart race. I love watching lightning streak the sky and feel pounding rain against my skin, to feel the wind on my face and rippling my clothes, to be buffeted by the blow and feel the thunder vibrating my bones.

So I go downstairs and walk out onto the balcony, to feel the storm firsthand. I'm already awake, after all. In a trice I'm soaked to the skin -- but then, since I sleep nude, that's hardly surprising. The rain splashes warmly over me, a thousand tiny caresses. I shake my head like a dog, splattering droplets everywhere, only to have more bucketsful of water poured over me in a matter of seconds. Laughing, I spread my arms wide and turn in a circle, feeling the wind curve itself around me. Normally I'd be worried about neighbors watching, but at 5 AM in a driving storm, who's going to be outside on their balconies? Besides me, that is.

Apparently you are. The door opens behind me and, astonished, I see that you've dropped your own nightgown to join me, skin to skin. You press against me from behind, our bodies as soaked and slippery as they would be in the shower. Your hands slide over my wet skin, teasing, tantalizing, slipping lower to where my cock is beginning to wake up. I feel your fingers wrap around my length, squeezing gently, testing its hardness (which is increasing every second due to your ministrations).

In response, I turn around slowly, my dick slapping against your belly as I press close. One hand goes between your legs where I discover immediately that not all the wetness there is from rain. You must have been playing with yourself upstairs before coming down here, to be this wet and ready. I dip my head and snare a nipple with my mouth, tearing a low cry of pleasure loose from you -- but the whistling wind flings it away.

My hands go to your ass and squeeze. You catch my gaze and murmur, "Now." So I lift you up, your arms going round my neck, and impale you on my cock. Both of us grunt in mindless pleasure, reveling in just how damned right it feels. Thunder crashes again, sending vibrations right down to our bones, making already-heated skin tingle, super-sensitized. I turn around slowly, balancing and supporting you, until you're leaning back against the balcony railing. Then we begin moving together, almost immediately overcome by mounting passions. In an instant we're rutting like animals, bodies slapping hard against each other, thrusting and pounding, grunting and growling. I press you hard against the railing and you spread your arms wide for support, throwing your head back, wild hair flying.

The lightning flashes are coming faster now. They paint the rain rivulets in silver on our skin and reveal tantalizing glimpses of our merging. The thunder is almost continuous and the rain is a positive deluge -- it pours over us both. You drop your head on my shoulder, not for support, but to bite hard at me, urging me wordlessly: "Harder. Harder. HARDER." And so I go harder, hammering into you, my thighs, my legs rigid as marble, my cock harder still. I feel your own wetness splashing my front, being washed away by the rain, then lose control and cry out soundlessly as I empty my balls into your cunt. You shiver with release and toss a grin my way.

Long minutes later I soften and slip out of you, releasing a torrent of our mixed cum onto the balcony floor. We share a deep kiss full of emotion, far from the primal lust of moments earlier. Wordlessly, both of us turn to the railing so we can enjoy the rest of the storm. Our own storm's already come and gone.

-- PB


  1. God damn you I was already super horny and then I read this! Beautiful as always! I love storms I wish we had more here I love going out into them and just playing. Wow, this one is going to stick with me for a while! :)
    Happy Tuesday!

  2. I am wholly unrepentant. :)

    Seriously, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! Thanks for saying so.

    -- PB

  3. Now I definitely want it to rain! What an awesome way to start my Tuesday. ;)

  4. That was amazing! You are a very talented writer. I love storms too... I guess because their intensity rivals my own. But anyway, wonderful post. Thanks!

  5. Gray: I do love the rain, as you can see. I'm glad you enjoyed.

    Temptress: Thank you! I appreciate your saying so.

    -- PB

  6. OOOOOF!! it's hot in here!!!

    awesome! loved it. Wishing it was me ... I am SO making that happen!

  7. I love storms too and feeling rain on my skin. That's a supremely hot and beautifully written story Panser.

  8. Fantasia: Awesome. To be the inspiration for a real-life adventure is all I could aspire to. :)

    Emma: Thanks! I'm very glad it was to your liking.

    -- PB

  9. Oh, to be your neighbor. ;) Nice one, PB.

  10. Luna: I thought about adding a bit where my rent for the next month was paid by a neighbor who'd enjoyed the display, but that made the tale a bit too long for my taste. Heh. Glad you liked it!

    -- PB

  11. Lovely thoughts, beautifully written. Thank you.

  12. Elizabeth: Thanks for saying so and I appreciate you dropping by!

    -- PB

  13. Two days and not really a word from you.. Everything okay?:)

  14. Hey, no HNT? Not a word on here, is everything ok?

  15. Gray, TMiss: Everything's fine, I just stayed mostly off the computer today except for a few comments here and there. I'm not going anywhere....but it's nice to be missed. Thanks!

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB