Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Reviews of two writers who're new to my watchlist

Yay me -- I'm now a contributor at Spanky's new hivemind offering, "Erotic Flash Fiction". I had so much fun with the concept last Friday that I'm going to be tossing out other short offerings over at the EFF journal. Look for the first one later this afternoon.

One of the things I plan to do here is to provide mini-reviews of the other hot sites and hot writers that I discover as I wander about the erotic Internets. Today's recent discoveries are twofold, both here on Blogger. One is very recent, like my own; the other has been around since April. They're both worth reading.

The first is the very enchanting "La Damnation de Luna Mauvaise", by (you guessed it) Luna Mauvaise. It is immediately apparent when reading her entries that this is a writer of considerable talent. She has a quicksilver, effortless style, with impeccable grammar and spelling and a not-inconsiderable vocabulary. It's certainly a far cry from many of the first-grade level scribblings to be found on a lot of the "sex blogs" out there, and it's delightful. As are the stories she posts. Delicious fantasies, lazy recollections, steamy musings, poetic ramblings -- this is a journal worth reading, and she's on my watchlist now. The French language splashed here and there adds that touch of forbidden fruit -- Babelfish is never quite an accurate translation, is it? It makes you wonder what she might cry out if you were to bring her to ecstasy.....another pleasant fantasy in and of itself.

The second one is "My Own Sort of PostSecret" from the blossoming Ismene of Thebes. Ismene is a bit like myself -- posting here because she wants to explore, question, and broaden her own sexual experiences and thoughts. She has been a bit timid about opening up so far, but when she does open up, watch out -- you might get scalded from the escaping steam. I hope she gets plenty of encouragement because she's quite good at telling tales, and I look forward to seeing how she develops as she opens up.

-- PB


  1. I look forward to checking out those sites someday soon when life slows down a bit. :) The Babelfish line made me smile. I once had a lover who cried out in French while he and I were together, and I knew just enough to know what he was calling me. Still, it was very erotic, with that touch of the unknown.

  2. I think, no...I know...that this is my first ever official review by another blogger.

    So thankful for your kind words. So glad my writing spoke to you. So flattered that you mentioned it to the world.

    Now, where is that EFF post?? Me and Spanky can't be the only ones. Can't wait to see what you come up with there. ;)

    Sourires et bisous a vous, PB! Merci mille fois!

  3. Grace: I confess I'd like to have an encounter or two with the stereotypical French girl -- breathy, sylphlike, willowy, timid on the outside but full of need on the inside. The only problem would be that I'd have no idea what she was saying if I *did* drive her to ecstasy. :)

    Luna: You're so very welcome. Hard to believe no one else's reviewed you, though, with writing like that. In any case, glad to assist.

    -- PB

  4. OMG, that's me! I'm so flattered, thank you! I am indeed alive and well rested from a mostly-internetless vacation. I promise to post real content soon so I can hope to live up to the kind words in your review. :)

    PS: I'm a huge Philip Pullman fan as well. His Dark Materials one of my go-to readings for when I'm feeling down or out of sorts. It's the perfect distraction from the real world.

  5. I do hope you realize I was mostly joking when I castigated you for being a slacker. :) I just really like your writings so far and I look forward to seeing more from you.

    And I'm delighted to have someone recognize where the name comes from, too. Hooray!

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB