Monday, September 21, 2009

Hair up there?

As somebody who's gone both with and without facial hair over the years, I'm curious as to what you ladies prefer. Or you guys, actually.

What's your preference? No facial hair at all? Mustache only? Mustache and goatee? Short pointy Van Dyke beard only? Or a full beard and mustache? Or some other combination?

No facial hair does definitely make for smoother kissing and mouth-caressing, but some women have told me they like the scratchy feeling caused by stubble or facial hair on their shoulders or back or between their legs. To each her own, of course; I'm just curious what you think.

Not talking about pubic hair, at least not yet. That's a subject for a different entry entirely. :)

-- PB


  1. I love the clean shaven feel. But the 5 o'clock shadow is awesome too. Not really into full facial hair. To each their own, that is for sure!

  2. Oh, I am soooo into "carpet burns".

    I much prefer a goatee...somewhere between 5 o'clock and a few days growth. Perfect friction between quivering thighs.

    Just my humble, naughty opinion. :)

  3. Gray: That's what I've heard from many women, actually. They like the 5 o'clock shadow as long as it's not stripping the skin off their bodies. :)

    Luna: yes, I figured you might prefer the carpet burns and being stripped of a few skin layers. Just seems to go with your "ouch, that hurts, MORE please" personality. :)

    -- PB

  4. Hmmm... a thoughtful question, indeed! I've experienced the full spectrum, but not for a long time, several years, in fact. Dante used to have a full mustache, has dabbled with the bearded part, too, but has been completely hairless by choice on his entire head for years now. I kinda miss the stubble, but truthfully, just the stubble. For fear of sounding too much like Luna, yeah, I kinda go for that stubbly hurt so good thing too, I guess. Plus, he looked damn cute in the stache...

  5. Tiggs: Somehow I'm not surprised by hearing that from you either. You and Luna are kindred spirits in more ways than one, I think. :)

    -- PB

  6. Definitely clean shaven. I much prefer smooth skin to stubble.


  7. Amy: I shall keep that in mind if I'm ever over in England! ;)

    Thanks for chiming in.

    -- PB

  8. i think (depending on the face) a clean shaven look for going out and making out like mad is great, but I do love the feeling of stubble when a man kisses my neck or teases me. Totally makes me wet...

  9. Frances: Thanks for commenting on this one! It's always good to hear multiple opinions on the facial hair debate.

    -- PB


Thanks for chiming in! I will always read and respond to comments here; if you don't feel like using the "email responses" link, feel free to check back for my replies!
-- PB